Agents had an increased yarding of 1022 head at Northern Rivers Livestock Exchange on Wednesday, September 2.
Young cattle were again well supplied consisting mainly of weaners and a small offering of yearlings.
Quality was mixed with a larger percentage of plain conditioned cattle throughout the sale, however, there were several runs of well-bred steers and heifers.
Cow prices held steady this week with prices reaching a top of 302.2c/kg and averaging at 264.5c/kg with an average weight of 456kg.
William and Mark Noble achieved a top return with one head sold for $1966.50.
PG and RT Rizzo made a top price for cows and calves with a return of $2000.
Heifers sold to a top of 558.2c/kg where they averaged at 346.6c/kg and 300kg. Ashcroft Plantations sold one head for a top of $1689.50. Steers sold to a similar trend where the top price returned at 594.2c/kg and averaged at 413.9c/kg and 252kg.
A top return was achieved by producer Meredith Pearson where two head were sold for $1643.56.
Prices reached 326.2c/kg and averaged at 303.4c/kg for bullocks where the average weight was 555kg.
Lucy Kinsley and Scott McKinnon sold one head for $2063.25 to achieve a top price for the category. Bulls sold to a top of 470.2c/kg where Stephen Boland sold one head for $2492.
A total of 285 head of young cattle were yarded, where vealers sold to a top of 590.2c/kg and averaged at 437.8c/kg with an average weight of 220kg, similarly to the week before where the category topped at 566.2c/kg and averaged at 444.0c/kg. Coopers Creek Farm sold one head to achieve a top return of $1378.65.
Yearling prices remained strong with a top price of 440.0c/kg and an average of 351.5c/kg and 335kg.
Phil and Tanya Fraser had a return of $1484.70 for one head sold to top the yearling market.
On Friday, September 22, T and W McCormack and Ramsey and Bulmer will hold a combined store sale kicking off at 10am.
All genuine buyers will be required to register for entry to the sale.
NRLX patrons will be required to sign in and complete a covid declaration using Sine Pro.
NRLX staff will be available at the entry gate for assistance.
This article appeared in the Richmond River Independent, 9 September 2020.