Thursday, February 13, 2025



Local rescues enhanced with new appliance

The Cohuna Fire Brigade has a new appliance that will improve the services the brigade provides to the district. The new Hino rescue appliance was delivered and presented to brigade members on September 19 and replaces the Isuzu appliance that has been in use locally for seven years.

Prepare your property ahead of increased fire risk

CFA is urging residents to prepare their properties ahead of the fire danger period, with parts of Victoria facing an early start to fire season. The AFAC seasonal outlook for Spring, released last month, predicts an increased fire risk in west and southwest Victoria, following a notably dry Autumn and Winter.

CFA open for all

Andrew Mole. There is a certain can-do attitude when it comes to Koondrook and getting things done – and the town’s CFA volunteers are a prime example. On Sunday, the local brigade held a very casual, very enthusiastic and very well received open day to unofficially officially unveil its new annex.

New ultra heavy tankers for North West CFA fleets: Symes

The vehicles are part of a fleet of 29 ultra heavy tankers rolling out across regional Victoria ... The new tankers will provide a valuable boost to the capability of the brigades ahead of the upcoming fire season. Valued at $440,000 each, the ultra heavy tankers have a 10,000-litre water tank, improving the ability to fight fires in rural areas with open grasslands…

Fire trails examined from the air ahead of bushfire season

The NSW Government is getting on the front foot ahead of bushfire season with helicopter inspections underway on fire trails across the state to prioritise maintenance work ... Helicopter-based inspections are considered more efficient than ground patrols by vehicles, particularly in remote and less-accessible areas, and reduce check times from months to weeks.

Bushfire danger period is only one week away

The 2024 bush fire period commences on Tuesday, October 1 and now is the time to prepare your property for the fire season. As the hot, dry weather of summer approaches across the Hay and Carrathool area, it is crucial for both rural and town residents to take immediate action to prepare their properties against the increasing risk of bushfires and grass fires. Fires can start and spread quickly, but with proper preparation, you can help protect your crops, homes...

Meeting questions VicGrid plans

Marian Haddrick. VicGrid CEO Alistair Parker met with a hundred concerned locals from Birchip and the surrounding area last Thursday at the Birchip Leisure Centre. Birchip is in the Regional Energy Zone (REZ) that is connecting supporting transmission infrastructure from Victoria’s west in Horsham to the north of the state in Red Hills.

NSW SES Broken Hill Unit chalks up 40 years of service to regional community

From major flooding and storm response to countless emergency calls and bushfire support, the NSW State Emergency Service (SES) Broken Hill Unit is celebrating 40 years of saving lives and creating safer communities. Formed in 1984, the NSW SES Broken Hill Unit has a proud history of protecting the people of Far West NSW during floods, storms, and other emergencies.

When disaster strikes, new technology of Cells on Wheels, portable connection units to aid communication

During floods and fires not being able to communicate is scary and dangerous ... A new fleet of technology from the State Government will help communities be more prepared for disasters and better able to respond to bushfires, floods and other severe weather events.

Open letter to CFA management, District Controllers, VFBV and CFA Brigades in Renewable Energy Zones

We are a collective of CFA Brigades in Districts 16 and 18 who have taken a position where our Brigade will not commit to operating on or around electricity generation and transmission infrastructure by taking a perimeter only defence position except for where lives or safety of public is threatened. Specifically, this is Renewable Energy Infrastructure (REI) being wind turbines, large-scale solar and battery installations, high voltage (220 kva plus) transmission lines and connection hubs.

Firefighter back on home soil after US mission

Joanna Tucker. "Our primary mission was to utilise our skills and existing expertise to provide assistance to US teams who have been battling these fire complexes since July. Our secondary mission was to provide learning opportunities, and to understand how (the US experience) may improve our existing capabilities and strategies when managing fires in SA": Kadina CFS volunteer Justin Baxter.

Plan and prepare NOW

It's not even Fire Season yet and already there are many fires across the State. In the MIA this week there were numerous grass and structure fires ... These fires highlighted that even though the weather was cooler and the environment wet with a lot of green growth, fires are still possible.

Locked and loaded

The Queensland Fire Department (QFD) has assembled its air fleet to help fight outbreaks of fire in what is expected to be a busy season across Queensland. On standby at the Toowoomba Airport for the fire season are two Bell 214B helicopters, two AirTractor AT-802 fixed wing bombers, two air attack supervision platforms and a specialist intelligence gathering light helicopter.

Farmers unite to fight stress

Serena Kirby. David Wright was named as the Inaugural Denmark Cattle Farmer of the Year at the recent Drought Muster Buster held at The Dam ... The award was part of a broader event organised by Raintree Farm owner Steve Birkbeck, who wanted to create ‘a reason to celebrate in a time of stress and trouble for the farming industry’ ... An integral part of the event was the discussion of issues surrounding bushfires by a panel of local experts.

Sparks fly at Goomburra

On Saturday morning the owner of Long Neck Farm, Corie Ross prepared for a huge last day but found power to the Goomburra Valley had dropped. When he investigated, Corie discovered a phase from a power line had fallen and being live, had started a fire on a property and roadside.

Ergon calls for extra vigilance

Almost a dozen power poles have been lost in the past few months due to fires from what’s thought to have been a series of separate hazard reduction burns across the state. Energy Queensland Chief Operating Officer Paul Jordon said while hazard reduction burning is an essential tool for managing vegetation and reducing fire risks, it is crucial to exercise caution to prevent unintended electrical infrastructure damage.

Seasonal Bushfire Outlook Spring 2024: Australia’s national picture of fire potential

The Seasonal Bushfire Outlook for Spring 2024 shows increased risk of fire for large areas in NT and Queensland, as well as far west and southwestern Victoria, and the southeast corner of SA. Mean temperatures for the year to date have been above average to very much above average for most areas, with areas of western WA and northern SA experiencing highest on record maximum temperatures for the period.

Cunninghams Gap reconstruction project

Work is continuing on the Cunninghams Gap Reconstruction Project to restore the bushfire damaged section of the Cunningham Highway at Cunninghams Gap. The crest of the range has been a hive of activity and works are continuing to reduce the steep grade of the road at Cunninghams Gap.

We do ‘community’ well

Approximately 250 people gathered on Friday evening for the Corryong Spirit event at the Upper Murray Events Centre to support one another and those who have suffered loss and hardships since the 2019-20 bushfires. "Community is something Corryong does really well," said Caz Pitman, secretary of the Corryong Spirit.

Koala queries – DPIRD, Vic Jurskis, Deborah Tabart and the Australian Koala Foundation

In view of the Australian Koala Foundation's march in Canberra planned for 1 September 2024, and its advocacy for a federal "Koala Protection Act", Australian Rural & Regional News felt it timely to ask some questions on koala matters and maybe even start up a useful, and very probably robust discussion ... ARR.News approached Dr Brad Law, Vic Jurskis and then Deborah Tabart OAM and the AKF for their response to questions ...

New data shows long-term cost of extreme weather: Insurance Council of Australia

New data released by the Insurance Council of Australia (ICA) today shows that the impact of extreme weather on the Australian economy has more than tripled over the last three decades. Insured losses from declared insurance catastrophes have grown from 0.2 of GDP from 1995 to 2000 to 0.7 per cent for the last five years ... The new data analysis is contained in the Insurance Council of Australia’s Insurance Catastrophe Resilience Report 2023-24, released today.

$3.9M boost for Riverina fire stations

Firefighting capabilities and support to better protect residents in south-western NSW and the food bowl in the Riverina have received a $3.9 million boost. NSW Rural Fire Service Chief Superintendent Kelwyn White officially opened two new brigade stations and upgraded training facilities, handed over five firefighting trucks and recognised more than 160 volunteers in the Murrumbidgee Irrigation Area (MIA) this week.

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