Major concerns in relation to bushfire preparedness across SE Australia: John O’Donnell
In this timely piece, John O'Donnell reviews the state of bushfire preparedness in New South Wales in light of the NSW Rural Fire Service 2023/2024 Annual Report.
Power restored after Cowalla bushfire while crews replacing poles
Western Power says power has been restored to all 150 customers affected by the bushfire in Cowalla, Wanerie and Karakin. Twenty power poles were destroyed by the bushfire, which was reported at 12.03pm on Tuesday, December 31.
Buloke strengthens its emergency preparedness
Preparedness is essential in managing emergencies, and Buloke Shire Council has been actively enhancing its readiness to support the community during severe weather events. Recent annual training, live drills, such as practising raising the marine-grade aluminium flood barriers in Donald on Thursday, and investments in flood mitigation infrastructure, demonstrate Council’s commitment to improving emergency response capabilities.
CFA warning after haystack fires destroy 1,700 bales
CFA is reminding farmers about the risks of improper hay storage after two devastating haystack fires destroyed at least 1700 hay bales in separate parts of the state recently. A fire in Coonooer West on Tuesday (10 Dec) claimed 1,200 bales, a hayshed, and several pieces of machinery, while just last week a fire in Naring saw another 500 bales destroyed.
CFA rip-off confirmed by Minister
In an extraordinary admission by the Emergency Services Minister on Wednesday, all Country Fire Authority (CFA) volunteers across Victoria now know what a raw deal they are getting. Despite increasing the Fire Service Levy by an estimated $186 million dollars this year, the Minister has admitted that only nine per cent of the increased revenue will flow through to struggling volunteer CFA brigades.
Caring about Carnaby’s Cockatoo: David Ward
Dr David Ward. The tongue of experience has the most truth. Old Arab Proverb ... a pair of interesting scientists, Valerie Densmore and Emma Clingan, both from DBCA , and both with actual practical experience in fire fighting and lighting ... have found that, at least on the Swan Coastal Plain, Carnaby's feathery friends may have more food where the bush is burnt frequently, with light and patchy fires every few years, rather than roaring wildfires after decades of fuel accumulation.
Energy network prepares for summer
Electricity distributor AusNet has spent almost $60 million on vegetation management and maintenance programs in the last 12 months, to prepare the network ready for summer. AusNet Executive General Manager Distribution, Andrew Linnie, said it’s important that the network is ready for severe weather events.
No plan for wind turbine fire threat
Despite a wind turbine fire in June having the potential to have caused widespread devastation, the Victorian Government has no plan to address and prevent future catastrophes … the Minister for Emergency Services was unable to report to Parliament or the thousands of CFA volunteers which turbines are fitted with fire suppression equipment, and what resources will be available to CFA volunteers to combat potential fires across any of the thousands of turbines distributed across some of the most fire prone areas in Victoria.
Roadside fire danger
Privatisation and outsourcing are to blame for grass “higher than the white posts” along our region’s roadsides, according to SA Transport Minister Tom Koutsantonis. The hazardous vegetation was raised in State Parliament this month by the Member for MacKillop, Nick McBride.
Recruits bolster firefighting
Forest Fire Management Victoria’s (FFMVic) newest recruits have been learning the ropes at a week-long training camp at Yackandandah in readiness for the summer bushfire season. The training ensures project firefighters are ready to fight fires and complete work to help reduce bushfire risk.
Consumers urged to choose quality batteries this sale season after record number of fires: Sharpe, Dib, Chanthivong
The NSW Government is warning consumers about the potential dangers of buying poor quality lithium-ion battery powered products as gifts this holiday season, which may pose a fire risk. The warning comes amid fears that substandard lithium-ion battery powered devices may flood the market during Black Friday, Cyber Monday and other pre-Christmas sales ahead of new regulations coming into effect next year.
Fire training boosted on land and in the air
The CFA is enhancing its driver training capability across Victoria thanks to 10 new driver training trucks along with additional driving educators. Deputy Chief Officer Operational Doctrine and Training, Rohan Luke, said the new custom designed driver training trucks will be delivered to CFA training grounds across the state ... The CFA has also created a world-first mixed reality fire aviation simulator ...
Fire money funnelled to the city
Member for Benambra, Bill Tilley, has called for greater parity in funding the state’s fire services from the fire service property levy. Victorian Treasurer, Tim Pallas, released data in response to Mr Tilley’s Question on Notice in early September and said the revenue was going to Victorian firefighting. However, Mr Tilley claims that a review of the State Budget shows the bulk of the money goes to paid firefighters in Melbourne.
Old practices rekindled in new firefighting partnership: Forestry Corporation of NSW
The Western Bundjalung community’s Ngullingah Jugun Aboriginal Corporation is working with Forestry Corporation to bring together knowledge of cultural burning with government bushfire management. A fire training course has been held in Jubullum Village, near Tabulam … the fire training will improve both the community and government response to wildfires.
Cutting grass and fire risk in the Murray Goldfields: FFMVic
Forest Fire Management Victoria (FFMVic) crews are currently focused on cutting grass on public land in the Murray Goldfields District to reduce the risk of grassfires this summer. FFMVic Murray Goldfields Acting District Manager, Aaron Gay, said crews will be slashing a total of 2,000 hectares across 700 locations in the coming weeks.
Gingin firefighter’s photo a state winner
Gingin volunteer firefighter and councillor Nikki Wood’s photo "We Work Together as One" is a state winner in the Resilient Australia awards. Emergency Services Minister Stephen Dawson said the stirring image visually captured the joint response from firefighters, police, paramedics and the RAC rescue helicopter at a crash in Gingin.
Culture returning health to Country
Rachel Hagan. After about a 200-year hiatus, the Narungga Nation cultural burning practices have returned to Guuranda (Yorke Peninsula) to help bring back balance to a landscape traditionally shaped by fire. Throughout the year, a series of workshops have brought the burning practice back to Country at Dhilba Guuranda-Innes National Park, Ardrossan grasslands and Minlagawi nature reserve.
Victorian forestry growers brace for dire fire season: VFPA
“All the Bureau of Meteorology’s predictors in the western part of Victoria are showing a drier than usual lead up to the fire season , with soil moisture low, and a high fuel load ringing alarm bells for the next few months,” said Andrew White, CEO of the Victorian Forest Products Association.
State of the Climate 2024 – increased fire weather, marine heatwaves and sea levels: CSIRO
The State of the Climate Report 2024 has found Australia’s weather and climate has continued to change, with an increase in extreme heat events, longer fire seasons, more intense heavy rainfall, and sea level rise. The report, prepared every two years, was released today by Australia’s national science agency, CSIRO, and the Bureau of Meteorology.
Healthy and resilient forests for our future
A cross-section of the nation’s leading minds have converged in Ballarat, to discuss the goal of creating a healthy and resilient future for Australia’s forests and share knowledge and ideas to ensure forests can provide a wide range of benefits for generations to come. Approximately 300 scientists, researchers, forestry professionals and foresters will gather at Forestry Australia’s National Symposium…
Have your say Central Darling Shire on bush fire risk management plan
Fire agencies and land managers are developing a Bush Fire Risk Management Plan for the BFMC areas listed. The Central Darling Shire community is invited to participate in this process by having a say on how bush fire risk is managed.
Bushfire preparedness hub: Youi
Research conducted by Insurance provider, Youi, shows that only one in two Australians surveyed were concerned about bushfire risk, with one in four acknowledging that they are unprepared. Youi has launched a Bushfire Preparedness Hub with a wide range of tools and information to help going into bushfire season. ARR.News learnt more from Jim Smith, volunteer firefighter and former Deputy Commissioner for Fire and Rescue NSW.
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