Nutritional quality of habitat key to koala numbers in state forests
Research released into koala response to forestry has found that the nutritional quality of trees is critical for koala survival and selective harvesting did not have an adverse impact upon koala numbers on surveyed NSW north coast state forests ... These findings have emerged from a three-year research program independently overseen by the NSW Natural Resources Commission.
Powering up new jobs in our forestry transition: Vic Govt
Victoria Minister for Agriculture Mary-Anne Thomas has announced that Spiegel Energy in partnership with Radial Timber and the Yarram Community Energy Group have received $2 million from the Victorian Government through its Forestry Plan to establish a renewable energy park at the Radial Timber mill. The energy park is expected to create five full-time roles and turn Radial Timber into a fully closed loop site. It will turn waste from the mill’s operations into energy and heat, creating new revenue streams with excess energy running into the local electricity grid.
Tania Maxwell votes to support timber industry
Tania Maxwell MP has opposed legislation that would adversely affect the timber industry in Northern Victoria. The Forests Legislation Amendment (Compliance and Enforcement) Bill 2019 will increase opportunities for prosecution against VicForests contractors in a move Ms Maxwell said was unnecessary and excessive.
Bushfires and logging debate: Tasmanian Government statement
The Tasmanian Government is continually monitoring new scientific research to ensure the way we regulate forestry is contemporary and consistent with best practice. The Government takes bushfire management and mitigation incredibly seriously and is taking a number of important steps to manage future risk and keep our communities safe. The Government’s position, that actively managing our forests can markedly reduce fuel loads, is supported by a significant number of scientific publications.
Deal done to get timber off Kangaroo Island
Up to 60,000 tonnes of softwood logs will start to be shipped off Kangaroo Island to support South Australia’s forestry sector and booming housing construction industry, with applications to the Construction Softwood Transport Assistance Program (CSTAP) now open. The CSTAP is jointly funded by the Morrison Coalition Government and Marshall Liberal Government and provides assistance to freight bushfire-affected softwood logs salvaged from Kangaroo Island to the South Australian mainland and then to sawmills with immediate capacity to process structural timber.
Tasmanian timber and functional art collide at London Craft Week
Tasmanian fine timber reclaimed from the depths of Lake Pieman and crafted into artistic furniture by London-based Tasmanian designer Brodie Neill, will be on display to around 115,000 people at London Craft Week.
IFA/AFG welcomes study on Indigenous knowledge and the shackles of wilderness
The professional association representing some 1,000 forest scientists, researchers and forest land managers in Australia has welcomed the paper Indigenous knowledge and the shackles of wilderness by Associate Professor and Wiradjuri man Michael-Shawn Fletcher. The Institute of Foresters of Australia and Australian Forest Growers President Bob Gordon said the paper provided an opportunity for solution focused dialogue regarding how we manage our forests, and highlighted the need to engage and work closely with Traditional Owners.
Bushfires and logging debate: Lily D’Ambrosio, Minister for Environment, Energy and Climate Change (Vic)
There is much debate within the scientific community regarding the relationship between bushfire and forestry but what is not debated is the overwhelming impact climate change is having on the frequency and intensity of severe weather events and resulting bushfires. In the past 50-years there has been a 40% increase in very high fire danger days, and this is set to triple in some parts of Victoria by the end of the century according to the International Journal of Wildland Fire.
$15.1 million to address timber shortages with bushfire salvaged softwood
The Australian Government has announced an additional $15.1 million investment to deliver bushfire-affected softwood to underutilised timber mills, and increase supply of structural timber to the housing and construction industry. Minister for Agriculture and Northern Australia David Littleproud said the government had listened to industry’s concerns to keep product moving.
Trying to out-green the Greens: Bev McArthur
An attempt by Labor to increase penalties and offences for timber workers and timber harvesting has nothing to do with forest management, and everything to do with inner-city politics. Member for Western Victoria Bev McArthur, has told the Victorian Parliament that Labor’s legislation is about sacrificing jobs in the bush to appease inner-city ideologues.
Boost for domestic softwood timber supply
The domestic softwood timber industry in NSW has received a significant boost with the NSW Government directing Forestry Corporation to divert selected softwood log exports impacted by the China trade embargo, to domestic markets. Deputy Premier and Minister responsible for Forestry John Barilaro said this will see at least an additional 270,000 tonnes of timber enter the domestic supply chain over the next three years.
New plant in Tarpeena
A Tarpeena timber mill has announced it will be creating more jobs in the region with the construction of a new manufacturing facility at its existing site. This month, Timberlink will begin developing a treatment plant to produce Light Organic Solvent Preservative (LOSP) treated timber.
Saving our forests and controlling our climate
I’m all for saving forests. Unlike the climate change enthusiasts, I learnt how to do it by working as a forester. Forty years ago, after I’d started working in the bush, Neville Wran commenced what has become a tradition amongst Labor Premiers by saving NSW’s rainforests. They were actually quite safe then. Some were selectively logged and regenerated, some were preserved in Flora Reserves. All were protected from wildfire by the clean, open, grassy eucalypt forests around them – maintained by mild burning ... Now Mark McGowan has saved the forests of the Southwest ...
Bushfires and logging debate: Senator Jonno Duniam, Assistant Minister for Forestry and Fisheries
Blaming bushfires on forestry is just another attempt from those ideologically opposed to forestry to shut down an industry they fundamentally disagree with. There is a constant pattern of behaviour from the those who disagree with the forestry industry of using misinformation and cherry picking from report and science to support their claim. As we currently stand there is no unequivocal or generally accepted evidence that forestry operations increase fire risk.
WA call another example of thought-bubble policy on native forestry: IFA/ AFG
“The IFA/AFG is concerned that professional forest scientists, researchers and managers do not appear to have been consulted to inform this decision, and also questions whether the views and aspirations of Traditional Owners have been considered,” IFA/ AFG VP Dr Freeman said. “This thought-bubble policy is out of step with the rest of the world, which views well-regulated, sustainable native forest management and biodiverse plantings as the preferred source of timber, because of their positive contribution to climate change mitigation, biodiversity and forest resilience."
All states must follow Western Australia’s lead and end native forest logging: Greens
Australian Greens forests spokesperson, Senator Janet Rice, has welcomed the announcement that Western Australia will end all native forest logging by 2024, and called on the Commonwealth and other state governments to follow suit and end the destruction of Australia’s forests.
Shock WA native timber decision shows total ignorance of global policy: FWCA
The shock announcement by the WA Labor Government to end native timber harvesting in the state in just two years shows complete lack of understanding of forestry. Forest & Wood Communities Australia said it was unfathomable how any government can ignore IPCC advice that forest management was an important tool to reduce and sequester carbon ... “Climate Action Minister Amber Jade Sanderson even categorised sustainable forest management, which sees a tiny fraction of WA’s native forest is harvested and regenerated under the most stringent restrictions of anywhere in the world, as deforestation!": FWCA MD Justin Law
Media statement: McGowan Government’s historic move to protect native forests
The McGowan Labor Government announces that it has made the historic decision to protect the State's native forests from 2024, and will invest a record $350 million to expand Western Australia's softwood timber plantations to create and support sustainable WA jobs. The decision to end logging of native forests in the upcoming Forest Management Plan 2024-33 will preserve at least an additional 400,000 hectares of karri, jarrah and wandoo forests.
Forestry starts with a seed – 5 million trees start their journey in Grafton
Over five million pine and eucalyptus seeds are being sown this year at Forestry Corporation of NSW’s Grafton nursery. The program is providing a boost to local employment and continuing to rebuild NSW State forest plantations previously harvested or lost in the Black Summer bushfires.
Bushfires and logging debate: South East Timber Association
In southern Australia, whether native forests are subject to harvesting or left untouched, if appropriate landscape scale forest fuel management is not undertaken, high intensity bushfires at a mega scale can occur in any summer, particularly when there are two or more years of below average rainfall. Any climate change effects are a reason to do more mitigation by fuel reduction.
Bushfires and logging debate: Robert Onfray
We have a fire problem in Australia that is not being addressed. And it has nothing to do with climate change. Nor is logging a major contributing factor since very small areas are available for harvesting each year. It is about the decisions in the 1990s across most states, but particularly in NSW and Victoria to lock up millions of hectares of forest into national parks and manage them by benign neglect and allow the fuel levels to build up.
Logging and watering in Guttrum
The frogs are singing and the harvesters ring in the Guttrum Forest. Reed Bed Swamp has been receiving a blessing of water across the forest floor ... Redgum saplings, salinity, midstorey and understorey condition are themes of contention between locals and government agencies ... I wonder what will happen if the Victorian Andrews Government continues with plans to end native forestry. Who will promote forest health and manage density?
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