Monday, February 10, 2025

Carols brighten “Christmas at the Rex”

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Jenny Pollard,  The Buloke Times

The spirit of Christmas glowed bright at a packed Rex Theatre last Sunday night, as the annual “Carols” brought families and the community together for the widely loved end-of-year celebration.

Embracing both the traditional and contemporary, the message of unity rang out loud and clear as music and song brought the Christmas message of hope alive through the school presentations, the singing of favourite carols and the upbeat address by Pastor Tom Ayars, from Connect Church.

The excitement was palpable as children arrived at the Rex wearing Santa hats, and other decorative ornamentation, eager to collect a glow-stick and get ready for their on-stage segments.

The evening, which is a collaboration between The Rex, the Uniting Church, St. Joseph’s Parish, St. Martin’s Anglican Church and Connect Church, saw a streamlined program unfold using the Rex screen to project the words of carols, then seamlessly drop the curtain to provide a backdrop for the performing groups.

The end-of-show highlight was the carol “Silent Night” with the audience asked to raise their glow-sticks and phone lights and wave in time to the music – creating a magical scene of sparkling light across the entire auditorium.

MC Greg Towers began the night with a welcome as the carols kicked off with “Away in a Manager” and “Joy to the World”, before students from Charlton College presented three numbers including the Wiggles rocking anthem, “Go Santa Go” and “Christmas in Australia – the Aussie Way” (tune Waltzing Matilda).

The Wedderburn Choir was a new addition to this year’s program presenting two items – “O, Holy Night” and “You Raise Me Up”. Formed seven years ago, ten members of the group performed on Sunday night, with leader, Helen Chandler conducting. Supporting events such as Anzac Day, the carols service in Wedderburn and singing at both the Charlton and Inglewood residential care outlets, the choir shares its talents widely across the local communities.

A Christmas message of hope and sharing was presented by Pastor Tom Ayars, as audience engagement yielded enthusiastic responses from young and old alike!

A mix of traditional and modern saw St. Joseph’s School students present “Mary’s Boy Child”, along with a contemporary version of “Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer” and finishing with the seasonal classic, “Rockin’ Around the Christmas Tree”.

Continuing the home-grown flavour, Greg Towers then led the audience in “Aussie Jingle Bells”, which captures all the iconic Australian associations of the day, plus the immortal lines of – “Christmas time is beaut! / Oh what fun it is to ride, / In a rusty Holden ute!”

With celebrations in the air there was one more very special announcement to be shared as Greg asked the audience to join in the singing of “Happy Birthday” for two impending nonagenarians – Bill Freeman and Norma Lang – who celebrate their ninetieth birthdays this week.

The evening concluded on a high with thanks being extended to accompanist Gill Gretgrix, the Wedderburn Choir, the school participants and the staff who prepare the students for event, Pastor Tom, plus all at The Rex for their support in presenting the evening.

The Buloke Times 13 December 2024

See all the pictures in  the issue.
This article appeared in  The Buloke Times, 13 December 2024.


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