Thursday, February 13, 2025

Quiz #43

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Think you’ve got the wisdom of Neptune? Dive into this quiz and find out!

1. Who was the Roman god of the Sea?
2. In English, the expression “exampli gratia” is often used. What does it mean?
3. What is the national anthem of France?
4. Which pivotal event happened in England in 1066?

5. In which country can you find the longest railway tunnel?
6. Vancouver is located in which province?
7. Which Australian cricketer consumed 52 cans of beer on a flight from Sydney to London?
8. Complete the Paul Keating quote: In the great race of life, always back…-hard work, self-interest or an Aussie with a dream?
9. Which Australian beer manufacturer is the world’s largest producer of home brewing beer concentrate?
10. Which African country lies between Algeria and Libya on the coastline?
11. By seating capacity what is Australia’s largest stadium whose naming sponsor is a bank?
12. In 2018, which fruit’s sales plummeted as a result of small needles found in some of their samples?
13. What country do athletes wearing the abbreviation MAR represent?
14. Which is the most common letter to begin a country’s name?
15. Which animal is alphabetically the first?
16. Which US state is mentioned in John Denver’s Country Roads?
17. What did Buddha describe as the ‘worst discovery of humanity’ but the ‘most trusted material to test human nature’?
18. Which band shares its name with a fertile feature in a desert?
19. Which came first: a human arriving at the South Pole or the first commercial air flight?
20. In the Olympics, what is the nickname of the Australian athletics team?

Bonus question: Disney’s Magic Kingdom, near Orlando Florida, opened in which year? Answer Quiz #44.

Answers: 1.Neptune 2.For example (e.g.) 3.La Marseillaise 4.Battle of Hastings 5.Switzerland 6.British Columbia 7.David Boon 8.Self-interest 9.Coopers 10.Tunisia 11.Suncorp Stadium 12.Strawberries 13.Morocco 14.S (twenty-six countries) 15.Aardvark 16.West Virginia 17.Money 18.Oasis 19. A human arriving at the South Pole (1911 vs. 1914) 20.Flame
Bonus question answer (Quiz #42): The maternal grandmother of Jesus is said to be Saint Anne.


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