Thursday, February 20, 2025

Cod and crays come under protection

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The Victorian Fisheries Authority (VFA) and NSW Department of Primary industries and Regional Development (DPIRD) are reminding recreational fishers that the Murray Cod and Murray Crayfish seasons have ended.

NSW DPIRD Program Leader Fishing Stocking and Enhancement, Jim Harnwell, said the Murray Cod fishery is subject to a three-month closure every year to protect our number-one native sportsfish during their breeding season.

“Murray Cod cannot be taken from inland waters from 1 September to 30 November inclusive, except in Copeton and Blowering dams,” Mr Harnwell said.

In Victoria, the closed season is in effect throughout most rivers and lakes north of the Great Dividing Range, as well as the Yarra River. However, it does not apply in lakes Eildon, Eppalock and Nillahcootie and the Cairn Curran Reservoir.

“This three-month fishing closure will help ensure future generations can enjoy the thrill of catching a Murray Cod,” Mr Harnwell said.

In addition, 1 September marked the start of the closure for Murray Crayfish, which remains in place until 1 June, 2025.

“Murray Crayfish can only legally be taken in specified waters of the Murray and Murrumbidgee rivers annually from 1 June to 31 August,” Mr Harnwell said.

“The fishery is closed for the remainder of the year, to provide protection for this vulnerable species.”

Information on freshwater fishing rules in NSW can be found in the Recreational Fishing Guide from DPI Fisheries offices, bait and tackle shops, fishing license agents or the website

For detailed information of size and bag limits plus closed season information in Victoria download the free VFA app or online at

Corryong Courier 5 September 2024

This article appeared in the Corryong Courier, 5 September 2024.


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