A top racing official has given thumbs up to Mt. Wycheproof and District Racing Club (Mt. WDRC).
Deputy chairman of the Australian Racecourse Managers Association, Mr Martin Synan, provided advice and praise post a recent walk and inspection of the racetrack. Alongside the Wycheproof Golf Club (WGC) – the precinct forms an integral and impressive landscape in the community as part of the Mt. Wycheproof Recreation Reserve.
Martin is well recognised as the respected track manager at The Valley (Moonee Valley Racecourse), an impressive precinct itself. He was in the region recently en route to Mildura Racing Club for the annual racing cup carnival.
Over the duration of his travels, Marty, as he is more affectionately known, visited numerous country racetracks, capturing imagery, and reporting professional commentary via his social media platforms.
The feedback for his efforts from racing fans was significant and gained much traction and appreciation, creating significant interest ahead of the “Spring Racing Carnival in the Country”.
Positive news
His visit to Mt. Wycheproof brought positive news, with Marty providing professional and encouraging feedback on what the Mt. WDRC needs to be focusing on to ensure a well-presented surface is prepared for Cup Day in 2024 (post some challenges experienced last season).
Alongside offering his recommendations to ensure the track remains in top condition for the forthcoming months, the maestro of racecourse turf took the opportunity to compliment the neighbouring Wycheproof Golf Club. The well-maintained appearance of the entire precinct was noted as a testament to the hard work and dedication of all involved.
Marty said that overall, the precinct appeared in very good condition, with the golf season no doubt having contributed to this.
Marty further indicated he is only ever a phone-call away should one of the volunteers seek to touch base for professional advice on turf management.
Volunteers, take a bow
Such positive feedback is a boost for the Mt. WDRC, providing confidence ahead of the forthcoming months, whilst highlighting the ongoing efforts of volunteers to maintain and enhance local facilities across the recreation reserve.
It’s a reminder of the pride taken in our shared recreational spaces and the importance of working together to keep them at their best possible standard.
This article appeared in The Buloke Times, 23 August 2024.