Allora Photography Group, Allora Advertiser
Everyone has seen wonderful sunsets on TV and social media so the benchmark for an outstanding photo has been set very high. Our judge was Graham Harris and he mentioned that sunrise and sunset photos can be difficult technically. Light conditions vary greatly between foreground and background objects and the right moment is often very fleeting.
With “In the palm of my hand”, Glenda created her own impact by shooting through a crystal ball to catch the sunset suspended upside down in glass. Graham awarded an Honour for the shot.
Early riser, Trevor caught the pastel shades of the first light of day illuminating the fog filled valleys below a mountain range. “Morning Glory” also scored an Honour.
Lisa’s “Sunset” earned a Merit from judge Harris. Her sombre image of a sunset behind the Allora Cemetery hinted at the hundreds of personal stories that lie behind the image.
“Evening Sunbeams” by Gale was aptly named, showing broad sunbeams lighting up the sky from the fading ball of the sun disappearing into the treeline. This shot also earned a Merit.
Our next topic is “Sport” so we shouldn’t have to go too far afield to get some exciting action.
Next meeting will be on Wednesday June 12th, 7pm at the corner of Forde and Warwick streets Allora, and free to anyone who wants to come along. Bring your camera, tripod etc.
This will be a workshop / fun night with a variety of things happening simultaneously. Weather permitting, we will be trying for some star trails and playing with light painting outside. Inside, we will play with various accessories, crystal ball and fisheye lenses, and lighting products. There will be demonstrations of basic techniques for mounting your photos and post processing with some free software. For details contact or phone 0427 521 159.
This article appeared in the Allora Advertiser, 5 June 2024.