Thursday, February 13, 2025

Storer success at the Tamworth Country Music Festival

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Frances Evans

Following a few challenging years due to the pandemic and drought, it was a return to big crowds and big temperatures at the 52nd Tamworth Country Music Festival.

Hundreds of buskers lined the streets with music pouring out of cafes, restaurants, pubs, and clubs. The festival attracted all the big names and once again provided a place for the up and coming to get their name on the bill.

One name synonymous with Australian country music is Storer. And Storer did not disappoint.

This year it wasn’t just Sara Storer, unquestionably a respected giant in the industry, up on stage performing to her legions of fans. Brother and sister duo Greg and Sara took to the stage with Greg’s two daughters Bonnie and Pip Storer.

The Longyard Hotel was packed to the rafters on Saturday 27 January for their one and only show off the back of the successful 2023 release and subsequent tour of their album SToReR.

The talented siblings had long promised a collaboration, and their work together has gifted Australians with an album of stories and songs about real life in the bush – family, friendship, hard work, drought, flood, love and loss.

They backed up their sold-out concert with none other than a shiny new Golden Guitar for Bush Ballad of the Year, and a captivating performance on stage of their award-winning song ‘Dust Kids’ at the Toyota Country Music Awards.

Sara humbly accepted her 22nd Golden Guitar by crediting the songwriting of ‘Dust Kids’ to brother Greg, now boasting two Golden Guitars himself.

What makes a great Australian country song? Is it descriptions of the bush? Or a real Australian accent? Or is it more subtle – stories of friendship, loyalty, hardship, resilience and life on the land?

Storer music makes it all these things and more.

An indelible Nashville influence appears to have been rewarded this year by the judging panel and has permeated much of the music being released by the younger generation, which may leave some of the greats in the industry scratching their heads.

However, unique, true and beautiful Australian music, reflecting our nation, our language, its people and its values is in safe hands with Storers.


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