Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Roadmap to the 2026 Basin Plan Review announced: MDBA

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Murray Darling Basin Authority (MDBA), Media Release, 15 June 2023

The Roadmap to the 2026 Basin Plan Review was launched by the Murray–Darling Basin Authority with a commitment to work with communities throughout the 3-year journey.

Unveiled in Narrabri at the MDBA’s annual River reflections water conference, the Roadmap steps out the work needed to gather the science and build the knowledge, develop the policy, and undertake the engagement needed for sustainable water management across the Basin and its communities into the next decade.

MDBA Chair, Sir Angus Houston AK, AFC (Ret’d) said conversations on climate change, sustainable water limits, regulatory design and First Nations’ connection to the Basin would be the focus of the first review of the Basin Plan since its inception in 2012.

“This will be an opportunity to shape the future of Basin water management into the 2030s, and everyone who wants to share their knowledge, views and ideas will have an opportunity to do so,” said Sir Angus.

“This is about addressing one of the most complex questions facing Australia and the world – water for the future. It will be a once in a decade opportunity to consider how we approach the future management of what is one of Australia’s greatest natural assets.

“The Review will serve in the interests of all Australians and the environment we leave for future generations. 

“There is a lot of work to do between now and 2026 to ensure the Review is supported by the latest and most robust science and with an understanding of our lived experience.

“Full implementation of the Basin Plan must enable all its moving parts to work together to full effect – this is crucial for giving our rivers the best chance for the future.

“The Roadmap includes points along the way to test the settings and to consider where change is needed. We will listen to what you say and learn from you as we look to the future.

“In turn, we will share what we learn and will update every 6 months about the work underway.

“With your help, we can make sure the Basin Plan continues to respond to the changing environment and the needs of our communities and industries, while we support our rivers for generations.” 

Sir Angus Houston said release of the Roadmap was the first of many conversations.

For more information about 2026 Basin Plan Review go to mdba.gov.au/basinplanreview.  


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