Are you ready for a bonza year of quizzes? Well, here you are, ready, set, think!
1. How many countries precede Australia alphabetically?
2.What is the highest position the Matildas have finished at a FIFA Women’s World Cup?
3. Which native Australian animal is a namesake for a sneaker retail chain?
4. In which Australian state or territory would you find the ‘pole of inaccessibility’- ie. the furthest point on the continent you can be from an ocean?
5. Which athletics event did Cathy freeman win at the 2000 Sydney Olympics?
6. What is the First Nations name for the city of Adelaide?
7. Australia leads the world in gambling losses per capita-which neighbouring country is second?
8. What is the minimum age required to access the Australian Age Pension?
9. By distance as the crow flies, which country is Australia’ closest neighbour?
10. Which Australian state was described by Sir David Attenborough as ‘the place for me’ saying, it has for a naturalist, everything’?
11. Patrick White was the first Australian recipient of which Nobel Prize?
12. What is the nickname for the corpse found on an Adelaide beach in December 1948?
13. What is the most popular dog breed in Australia in 2024?
14. Australia takes its name from Terra Australis, a Latin phrase meaning what?
15. The tiny border town of Eucla in Western Australia has its own unofficial time zone, known as ACWST (Eucla Time). How far ahead of conventional Perth time is it?
16. Which Australian band released the song Spicks & Specks?
17. Which director is responsible for four of the ten highest grossing Australian films of all time?
18. What is Australia’s most prestige prize in the art of portraiture?
19. How many gold medals did Australia win at the 2024 Summer Olympic Games in Paris?
20. What is Australia’s most populous city to take its official name from an Aboriginal word?
Bonus question: What city’s name is the only Australian location mentioned in the Harry Potter novels? Answer in next week’s Quiz.
Answers: 1.Eight 2.4th in 2023 3.Platypus 4.Northern Territory 5.400m 6.Tarntanya 7.Singapore 8.67 years 9.Papua New Guinea 10.Queensland 11.Literature 12.Somerton Man 13.Labrador retriever 14.Southern land 15.45 minutes 16.The Bee Gees 17.Baz Luhrmann (Australia, Moulin Rouge!, The Great Gatsby, and Elvis) 18.The Archibald Prize 19.18 gold medals 20.Canberra
Bonus question answer (from Quiz #48 of 2024): The first product sold by Heinz in 1869 was horseradish.