Monday, January 13, 2025

Mega Holiday Quiz 2024

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So, you’ve caught up on a year’s sleep, eaten your oysters, focused on the distant horizon and found some zen? Maybe today is the day you’ll get top marks.

1. In which region in Europe is the Santa Claus Village?
2. The Rock in Calpe, Spain is how metres high-332m, 342m, 352m?
3. Christmas is a portmanteau of which two words?
4. The holiday now known as Presidents’ Day originated as a day of remembrance for what U.S. President, who died in 1799 and was born on February 22, 1732?
5. Which Christmas carol has these lyrics: “And heaven and nature sing” and “let earth receive her king?”
6. What is the capital of Turkey?
7. The Irving Berlin song “White Christmas” was sung first by Bing Crosby and Marjorie Reynolds in the film “Holiday Inn” in what year?
8. Where did Sherlock Holmes live?
9. Celebrated on the 19th day of the sixth month of the year, what is the newest addition to the US federal holiday calendar, as signed into law by President Joe Biden in 2021?
10. What colours are on the flag of Denmark?
11. In what country is the city of Alicante?
12. Which world leader celebrates his birthday on Christmas Day?
13. During the legendary Christmas Truce of 1914 in World War One, the soldiers from both sides played what sport together?
14. What is the name of the lesser known Christian holiday celebrating Jesus’s mother discovering she was pregnant?
15. Which Sherlock Holmes story is set at Christmas?
16. How many times does the number “one” appear in an advent calendar with 24 boxes?
17. Who played the role of Scrooge in “The Muppet Christmas Carol?”
18. It originated as a holiday to give gifts to poor people, but these days what is the name of the December 26 Commonwealth holiday that has become known for its retail sales?
19. What is the name of the reindeer in the movie “Frozen?
20. “Noel” is a Latin word for …..?
21. “The Cricket on the Hearth” is a holiday novel by what British author?
22. St. Nicholas was born in what modern-day country?
23. What is the name of the Christmas Eve tradition in which Australians gather to sing carols outdoors?
24. “May the Fourth be with you” is the official tagline of the galaxy-wide holiday celebrated the first week of May in honour of what sci-fi franchise?
25. What is the Australian tradition of Secret Santa also known as?
26. “The Christmas Song” opens with a line about what roasted holiday treat?
27. In her 1983 hit “Holiday,” what singer declares that “if we took a holiday, took some time to celebrate just one day out of life, it would be so nice”?
28. In the movie Elf, what is the name of the elf played by Will Ferrell?

29. On August 14th of every year, what country celebrates its independence following the end of the British Raj?
30. Under which president did Thanksgiving become an annual holiday?
31. According to the song, when Peter Cottontail comes hoppin’ down the bunny trail, hippity-hoppity, what holiday is on its way?
32. What is the name of the tradition where groups of carolers go door to door singing Christmas carols?
33. Which public holiday in South Africa that’s observed on December 16th was first meant to commemorate the Battle of Blood River, but was renamed in 1995 to mark the end of apartheid and promote national unity?
34. In which city were Christmas crackers first invented?
35. In what month is the International Day of Peace, a United Nations sanctioned holiday, celebrated each year?

36. In which country are letters to Santa addressed to the postcode HOH OHO?
37. What 1998 agreement between the British government, Irish government, and political parties of Northern Ireland was named after a religious holiday?
38. It has been tradition for the Irish Taoiseach to give the U.S. president shamrocks on St. Patrick’s Day since ambassador John Hearne gave them to which president in 1952?
39. What British charity supergroup had a holiday hit with “Do They Know It’s Christmas?” in 1984?
40. In Germany, New Year’s Eve is known by what name?
41. “Merry Christmas (I Don’t Wanna Fight Tonight),” a holiday tune by what old-school New York punk rock group?
42. What is the star sign for someone born on Christmas Day?
43. Democracy Day, celebrated on June 12 and formerly known as Abiola Day, is a holiday celebrating the return of democracy to what African nation?
44. The Mullagh Medal goes to the Player of the Match for Australia’s traditional Boxing Day face-off at MCG in what sport?
45. The ball that drops to commemorate New Year’s Eve in Times Square, NYC, is covered in nearly 2,700 crystal triangles from what company named for a city in Ireland?
46. Which Californian suburb has the nickname of Tinseltown?
47. In which ocean is Christmas Island?
48. What magical object does Harry Potter receive as a Christmas present?
49. Which three continents are reindeer native to?
50. In 1950 which Christmas song was condemned by the Roman Catholic Church?

Bonus question: In which country is the Guinness World Record holder for the world’s largest Christmas tree?

Santa going surfing

Answers: 1.Rovaniemi in Lapland 2.332m 3.Christ’s Mass 4.George Washington 5.Joy to the World 6.Ankara 7.1942 8.221B Baker St, London 9.Juneteenth 10.Red and white 11.Spain 12.Justin Trudeau (Canadian PM) 13.Soccer 14.The Annunciation 15.The Adventure of the Blue Carbuncle 16.One appeared 13 times in boxes 1, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 21 17.Michael Caine 18.Boxing Day 19.Sven 20.Birth 21.Charles Dickens 22.Turkey 23.Carols by Candlelight 24.Star Wars 25.Kris Kringle 26.Chesnut 27.Madonna 28.Buddy 29.Pakistan 30.Abraham Lincoln 31.Easter 32.Wassailing 33.Day of Reconciliation 34.London 35.September 36.Canada 37.Good Friday Agreement 38.Harry S Truman 39.Band Aid 40.Silvester 41.Ramones 42.Capricorn 43.Nigeria 44.Cricket 45.Waterford 46.Hollywood 47.Indian Ocean 48.The Invisibility Cloak 49.Asia, Europe, and North America 50.’I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus’.
Bonus question answer: Italy.


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