The photographer tells the story of the artisan
In his first photo story for Australian Rural & Regional News, professional photographer John Krutop features wood artisan Andrew McPherson at his gallery ‘Ride the Wild Goat’ in the picturesque Gippsland town of Fish Creek.
Ride the Wild Goat’ has evolved after more than 35 years experience of working with solid timber furniture, and the skills and imagination to be more creative.
Andrew McPherson is an artisan working with a medium he knows, loves and respects …timber.
Located in the beautiful Gippsland just 165kms south east of Melbourne, Fish Creek is a small dairy farming ‘arty’ community. Spend the day walking the boutique cafes and stores, sampling the premium wine and local produce and soaking in the vine covered hilly vistas.
Visiting Andrew’s fascinating open front studio, workshop, gallery and now with an additional sculpture garden is a must visit destination when you travel to Fish Creek.
Andys’ passion for his creations – which you are able to simply admire or purchase or order – is catching.
It’s easy to appreciate how this environment can inspire creativity such as Andy McPherson’s at ‘Ride the Wild Goat’.