Thursday, January 16, 2025

Show a spectacle of flying feathers and jingling harness

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The Clydesdale and Heavy Horse Show held at Werribee Park each year is an absolute spectacle.

People have a deep love for the past and the great horse that made Australia, so to see them on display as they parade on the green grass is something really special.

Apart from the much-loved and familiar Clydesdales, the other breeds on show this year gave the event an international outlook.

The beautiful Suffolk Punch is in rare numbers, and the chestnut, clean-legged work horse is cherished by fans.

Andrew Lucas’ mare Field Ella Mary defeated the same owner’s stallion Field Barton Charles for the championship in that section.

Peter and Marylou McKeon breed Shires and Percherons at their Southern Cross farm in Gippsland and showed Southern Cross Hamish to be supreme Shire exhibit. Samantha Weir showed Luscombe Primrose to be champion female Shire.

The Clydesdale has always been Australia’s favourite heavy horse and many of us have memories of the great parade of the champions that led the big Royal Melbourne Show Grand Parade, with the supreme exhibit leading the way.

The Marriott family has been at the forefront of Clydesdale breeding for many years and at Werribee their lovely Aarunga Tiffany led by Claire Marriott was supreme exhibit, taking home the perpetual trophy in memory of Max and Kristin Marriott.

The smaller heavy breeds are gaining fans and are happy to put them on display in show classes, harness and dressage.

A 20-years-young Norwegian Fjord, Harkaway Lodge Zeandra, owned by Julia Grave and shown by Emma Grave, was the champion mare in her section and Rachel Smith’s Blackwood Park Norton was champion male.

In the Haflinger section, Kate Wingad’s Manuka Ridge Moira was champion for the second year and with all mane and feathers flying, John Smith’s Gypsy Cob, North Forks Wooley Mammoths Dragyn, took the sash for his section.

Norm McCosker showed the champion drum horse Percius.

The champion registered part-bred Clydesdale was Meadow Lane The Boss shown by Rebecca Lefargia.

The dressage classes were won by GoldClass Dancing Queen ridden by Lisa Keddie, Larvistrin Hunter ridden by Vanessa Wells and Vallelina ridden by Kelly McGovan.

In the driven section – perhaps the favourite of spectators with the jingling bells and beautiful vehicles, showing the love and care put into them – the champion showcart turnout was Team Southern Cross’ Shire Southern Cross Hamish. The champion pair or team went to the Marriot family.

Add these to log snigging, driver classes, horse driven in single reins and winding up with a terrific fancy dress class won by Louise Scott’s Louvale Sir Douglas and you can see what a great show it was.

Clydesdale and Heavy Horse Show results 2024

See the full results and the whole gallery at The Regional.
This article appeared on The Regional on 13 March 2024.

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