Friday, February 14, 2025

Nominations open for Council elections

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Nominations are now open for the 2021 Local Government Elections.

Cr Hal Ruger
Councillor Hal Ruger. Photo: Tennant & District Times

Barkly Mayor Jeffrey McLaughlin will be standing to retain the role while word about town Councillor Hal Ruger may also throw his hat in the ring.

Cr Ruger has a long history with Council, with his father Paul elected as Tennant Creek Mayor in 1999.

He was awarded the Australia Day Citizen of the Year in 2019 for his dedication to volunteering on numerous committees over the decades, and his dream of installing a town clock on the main street came to life late 2018.

Jeffrey McLaughlin
Mayor Jeffrey McLaughlin. Photo: Tennant & District Times

Mayor McLaughlin served as as a councillor before being voted into the role when the former Mayor Steve Edgington was elected as the Local Member for Barkly in last year’s NT Election.

The flamboyant personality is a popular identity around town and thoroughly enjoys his new role and hopes to continue as Mayor for the next four-year term.

If you want to become involved in local government and think you have what it takes, nomination forms are available from Council Reception or by visiting the NT Electoral Commission website at

Nominations can be emailed to and close at noon on Thursday 5 August.

Tennant & District Times 16 July 2021

Early voting starts on Monday 16 August, with the official election day on Saturday 28 August.

This article appeared in Tennant & District Times, 16 July 2021.


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