Shire of Broome, Media Release, 9 March 2021
The Shire of Broome is seeking community input and feedback on a new strategy that will shape the organisation’s economic development activity for the next five years.
The draft Economic Development Strategy 2021-2026 for the Shire of Broome was endorsed to be released for public comment at February’s Ordinary Meeting of Council.
Tying in with the Shire’s long-term visionary strategies such as the Strategic Community Plan and Corporate Business Plan, the new draft economic document provides an overview on successful recent projects and details future potential opportunities.
The document elaborates on the role of the Shire in economic development over the next five years for Broome and the wider West Kimberley region.
Several organisations with a primary role in economic development in Broome and the broader West Kimberley assisted in forming the draft strategy.
Shire of Broome deputy president Desiree Male said feedback from the community on the draft was an important element to finalising the plan.
“As with all our strategies and plans, input from residents and businesses across the entire Shire district is an integral step in the process of completing our informing documents,” she said.
“One of the areas of potential improvement for the Shire, as detailed by feedback in last year’s Community Perceptions Survey, was to maximise and widen the scope of economic development.
“While economic development of Broome is a shared responsibility, as a local government the Shire is committed to playing a role in helping to diversify our economy, assisting new and established businesses, and attracting investment to the region.
“Our new vision is Broome: A Future for Everyone – I truly believe we have a bright future full of economic opportunity and prosperity.
“I’d encourage all interested parties to provide their feedback and input to help refine this detailed document.”
The Shire is seeking written public submissions to be made before 4pm on Monday, April 12.
To read the draft economic development strategy and to make a public submission, click here.