Kingston District Council, Media Release, 14 January 2021
Council has rolled out an innovative new ‘boat-ramp-on-a-roll’ to improve launching and general beach access in Kingston. In a ground-breaking decision, the Council is the first in Australia to use the product for nonmilitary deployment purposes. Faun Trackway Limited, based on the Isle of Anglesey, North Wales, design and manufacture a range of high-quality portable access systems for use in military and civilian disaster and emergency relief operations at its internationally accredited production facilities in the UK.
The product is distributed here in Australia by Forward Defence. Project Manager Rohan James said; “The beach starts here is the Kingston Council’s marketing motto, and they actually mean it, with the use of a unique portable boat-ramp-in-a-roll they have opened the access to the beach for easy safe entry of all vehicle types without the hazards of driving through a sandpit.”
“We hope this encourages more families to get out and enjoy one of Kingston’s great natural assets” he said.
Mayor Kay Rasheed said, “crucial to making this bold decision, was the assessment of various temporary boat ramp options by our Maria Creek Community Focus Group, in conjunction with advice from coastal engineers Wavelength”.
“Our research concluded that Faun Trackway was the preferred option, being robust and tested heavy duty aluminium, suitable for coastal environments and doesn’t interfere with the natural coastal processes”.
Whilst unfavourable weather and rough seas delayed delivery beyond the anticipated preChristmas installation date, the trackway was successfully installed this week.
Chief Executive Officer Nat Traeger indicated that from an operational perspective, the rollout was an overwhelming success.
“There is always trepidation when you dip your toe in the water and try something different, and we seem to be doing that an awful lot at the moment” she said.
“We also know that a lot of other coastal councils are watching us with interest, to see how this literally unfolds, and we are delighted to confirm that the old adage of fortune favours the brave absolutely stands up with this project”.
The Council is always looking at ways to value-add to its vision of being a thriving destination and this all-access solution is more than just a temporary boat ramp. In fact, by far the most satisfying outcome is that the council’s safe, popular beaches are now accessible to conventional vehicles as a 4WD isn’t required to use the trackway.
Mayor Rasheed said, “families who may not have been able to enjoy the convenience of accessing our beaches by car can now do so”. “The problem has always been actually getting on and off the beach; once you are on the hard-compacted sand, our beaches are traversable by all vehicles”.
The Council has purchased 30 metres of the trackway, which has been affixed to the existing concrete boat ramp at the Johnston Street beach access point. Manager Assets & Infrastructure Dave Worthley is happy with the outcome, saying “the installation was simple and minimal maintenance will be required to maintain the trackway in its current condition”.
“We anticipate the trackway will remain in place until Easter, or until weather conditions are unfavourable” he said. “The trackway is relatively flexible and can be quickly retrieved if an unexpected weather event is forecast”.
Nat Traeger
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