Friday, February 7, 2025

Sports funding

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Sporting clubs and community groups in the South East play a vital role in fostering social connections and promoting an active lifestyle.

They serve as a cornerstone for bringing people together and strengthening local communities.

Are government efforts sufficient enough to support these local clubs in towns such as Naracoorte, Penola, and Bordertown?

Are enough resources being allocated to ensure the long-term sustainability of sports in the region?

Last week, State Minister for Recreation, Sport, and Racing, Katrine Hildyard, toured several towns in the South East. During her visit, she engaged with local sporting groups and clubs, listening to their concerns and assessing their needs.

Ms Hildyard also had a meeting with the Naracoorte Lucindale Council at the Naracoorte Swimming Lake to discuss the council’s master plan.

The [Naracoorte] News questioned the minister about the government’s plans to ensure local clubs were not overlooked in the development and enhancement of sporting facilities.

Ms Hildyard said the government would continue to listen to sporting clubs in the South East.

“Many regional sports facilities have been funded by the Malinauskas Labor government through various grant programs, including the Community Recreation and Sport Facilities Program and the Power of Her—Infrastructure and Participation Program,” she said.

“Applications for both programs will open again in the second half of 2025. Other grant programs including the South Australian Football Facilities Fund (a legacy of Gather Round), the Active State Collaboration Program and the Active Club Program also provide opportunities for regional clubs to apply for funds.”

She said some successful grant applicants included the Bordertown Speedway Club, which received $500,000, the Naracoorte Demons Netball Club which received $200,000, the Pinaroo Football Club, which secured $500,000 and the Penola Golf Club, which received almost $50,000 in funding.”

“These are amongst almost 200 other clubs and facilities in the region that have received state government funding.”

She said the government had also invested $384,000 over three years to establish the Connected and Active Communities (CAC) project, which had been implemented in four South Australian regional locations.

“The government has partnered with the Limestone Coast Local Government Association to roll the program out across the seven councils within it, including Naracoorte Lucindale Council.

“CAC is a place-based project aiming to increase physical activity levels and reduce social isolation through the power of sport and recreation.

“Through the CAC project, sport and recreation opportunities are continuing to be unlocked, particularly for those who have not traditionally engaged in organised sport.

“We will continue to listen to and work with clubs in the South East. We are really grateful for the incredibly important role they play in their communities.

“They help people to do their best on and off their particular playing field.”

This newspaper [Naracoorte News] asked the minister if there were mechanisms in place where parents could access financial support for their children when they travelled to sporting facilities in metropolitan centres for higher-level training.

“Our state government has invested $460,000 in funding over the last eight years to the Limestone Coast Regional Sporting Academy (LCRSA) which is designed to provide aspiring, future elite athletes aged 13-18 with the opportunity to access elite training and development programs to provide pathways to regional, state, and national representation.

“This access limits the requirement to travel to Adelaide, but when there is a requirement to travel (i.e, for competitions), the LCRSA has an established partnership with M&G Hotel Group, which provides free and discounted accommodation at a range of Adelaide locations.”

Ms Hildyard said the government had initiatives in place to support regional horse racing clubs (Naracoorte, Penola, Bordertown) in terms of upgrading infrastructure and keeping regional racing alive and viable.

“As part of the 2023-24 budget, a new Racing Industry Support Package was announced by the government. The package doubled the racing industry’s share of the betting operations tax from 10 percent to 20 percent.

“In the 2024-25 financial year, funding was paid to Racing SA through the Racing Industry Fund administered by the South Australian Government’s Office for Recreation, Sport and Racing.

The fund, the minister said, was to help improve the racing industry’s long-term sustainability as an employer of nearly 5,000 South Australians.

“This funding can be distributed by Racing SA towards infrastructure projects. Racing has such an important place in the hearts of regional communities, and I am proud of the government’s role in supporting this industry in the South East.” 

The Naracoorte News 29 January 2025

This article appeared in the Naracoorte News.

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