Thursday, February 20, 2025

Felled trees just the start of changes on Yanchep Beach Rd

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DevelopmentWA, the agency responsible for felling trees on Yanchep Beach Rd two weeks ago, says most of the trees remain and new ones will be planted once an access upgrade in the area is completed.

In the days following the cutting down of the trees, including some tuart trees, Yanchep News Online was contacted by a number of residents who were shocked at the loss of the mature trees.

DevelopmentWA chief executive officer Dean Mudford said as part of developing stages 26 and 27 of its Jindowie estate in Yanchep a small number of trees were removed to enable service works for those stages to enable more housing to be delivered.

“As part of these works, Yanchep Beach Rd will be upgraded where it adjoins stages 26 and 27, which has been approved by the City of Wanneroo,’’ he said.

“The upgrade works will ensure Yanchep Beach Rd can function effectively as the residential population of Yanchep continues to grow.’’

Yanchep structure plan 76 outlines four stages of development of Yanchep Beach Rd in relation to the Jindowie development – east of the neighbourhood centre – all the way up to when the Mitchell Fwy is extended to Yanchep Beach Rd.

According to the structure plan in stage 1 Yanchep Beach Rd remains a single carriage way with one or both accesses to the housing estate to be constructed as full access t-junctions under give way control (priority with Yanchep Beach Rd).

“The accesses would be constructed with right turn and left turn lanes on Yanchep Beach Rd in accordance with the appropriate design standards,’’ the structure plan said.’’

Stage 2 will upgrade Yanchep Beach Rd to a dual carriageway road while both access points to the housing estate are still full access t-junctions under give way control (priority with Yanchep Beach Rd).

In stage 3 the main access to the local centre from Yanchep Beach Rd will become a signalised four-way intersection while Lot 2 Yanchep Beach Rd access will be restricted to left in-left out traffic movements by closing the Yanchep Beach Rd median.

Once the Mitchell Fwy extension is constructed stage 4 works will change access to either left in only or no access at all, as required by Main Roads WA.

The structure plan said the timing for the provision of traffic signals to Yanchep Beach Rd would be determined by traffic volumes on Yanchep Beach Rd and likely pedestrian movements in the area.

Detailed design of signalised intersections will be subject to the approval of Main Roads WA and City of Wanneroo to the satisfaction of the Department of Planning.

This article appeared on  Yanchep News Online  on 1 October 2024.


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