The NSW Reconstruction Authority announced that 370 homes have been identified as eligible for house raising or retrofit.
These 370 homes are across seven council areas. has asked the Authority if any of these 370 homes are in Coraki, Broadwater, Woodburn or nearby. We are waiting on an answer.
After a long focus on buybacks – 788 buyback offers approved and 656 offers accepted – the next phase of the Authority’s flood recovery is tailored home assessments to make houses more resilient to future flooding.
The Home Raising and Home Retrofit is part of the $790 million Resilient Homes Program.
The Reconstruction Authority is working with architect James Davidson from JDA Co on advising homeowners about flood resilient designs.
After receiving their free in-home assessment report, homeowners can appoint the builder they choose to make their home more resilient.
Eligible homeowners will get up to $50,000 for a home retrofit and $100,000 for a house raising with a dollar-for dollar co-contribution between the Authority and homeowners, up to a maximum of $100,000 for retrofits and $200,000 for home raising.
The Authority announced 85 home sites for North Lismore having already announced 2800 new houses at East Lismore, Goonellabah, Brunswick Heads, Casino (Fairy Hill) and Lennox Head.
Parliamentary Secretary for Disaster Recovery Janelle Saffin said feedback from the community had helped the Authority develop a more people-friendly, place-based approach to determine eligibility for key programs like the Resilient Homes Program.
“That is a good thing,” Ms Saffin said.
Read about Robert May’s Woodburn buyback here.
The information for this report was provided by the NSW Government.
This article appeared on on 4 July 2024.