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Welcome everyone!

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“Welcome everyone” is the decision of Naracoorte Lucindale Council which has ditched its prayer and modernised its acknowledgement of country.

Mayor Patrick Ross suggested at council’s February 27 meeting that the monthly prayer and acknowledgement to country be replaced with two simple lines:-

“We acknowledge and respect our complex history. We welcome everyone to build our future together.”

Cr Cameron Grundy moved his recommendation, Cr Tom Dennis seconded it and Crs Crash Downward, Peter Ireland, Trevor Rayner and Darren Turner voted in favour.

Against in the 6-4 vote were Crs Monique Crossling, Damien Ross, Abigail Goodman and Craig McGuire.

Prior to the motion being successful, Cr Goodman lost a motion 4-6. Seconded by Cr Monique Crossing it called for a workshop to discuss a new pledge and acknowledgement to country. Cr Damien Ross and Cr McGuire were supportive.

The six other councillors were not.

Cr Crossling then tried to block Cr Grundy’s motion with a procedural motion to leave it on the table, but that failed 4-6 as well.

Long before the meeting Mr Ross issued a two-page statement proposing six policy changes for inclusion in the February agenda. All up the agenda had 645 pages.

The mayor’s first item related to the prayer and acknowledgement of country.

“The Naracoorte Lucindale Council acts on behalf of all residents and ratepayers, and to that end a general acknowledgement of our history and an inclusive welcome is what is desired by our community,” Mr Ross said.

Referring to the prayer, Mr Ross said elected members have read a pledge and signed up to represent their community for four years.

He said the community had an expectation of the elected members to do just that and there was no reason to continue to reiterate “that which we have agreed to do”.

“My belief is that we keep all statements as simple as they need to be,” he said.

“The modern society which we live in is so diverse in culture, language and religion, that either an omission or inclusion may be divisive, and therefore I’m happy to put forward this proposal.”

Mr Ross set aside formal meeting procedure, enabling a free discussion about his proposed changes.

Cr Tom Dennis explained he was supportive.

Cr Abigail Goodman was concerned about removing the prayer and acknowledgement of country, replacing them “with a single sentence that I don’t feel reflects both our rich history or speaks to how we realise our opportunities for the future.”

She believed the prayer and acknowledgement to country prior to the meeting were valuable and highlighted the significance and importance of the First Nations people to the area.

Supporting Mr Ross, Cr Peter Ireland believed the acknowledgement of country was “quite divisive” as it ignored those who fought in wars and the forebears “of the fantastic nation that exists today”.

“I just think we don’t need these statements every meeting,” he said.

Cr McGuire said he did want change and most people he spoke to were frustrated at the amount of Welcome to Country they had to participate in. But he said the mayor’s suggestion “needs a bit of work”.

Cr Cameron Grundy explained why he was in favour of the proposed changes along with most people he spoke to and he thought it was an “excellent idea”.

Cr Crash Downward said he was “more than in favour of the proposed change” as it was succinct – short, sharp and to the point.

Cr Monique Crossling said the prayer should be left as it is, and explained it should be called a pledge as it did not refer to God. She said the proposed acknowledgement was “a little bit too short, sharp and shiny” and it could be made more inclusive”.

Cr Damien Ross said two sentences were too short. He also queried if replacing the welcome to country would jeopardise the council’s grant funding applications with State and Federal governments for the sports centre.

Council debated other proposed changes before returning to meeting procedure, the motions and voting.

The Naracoorte News 6 March 2024

This article appeared in the Naracoorte Community News.


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