Pepperton Farms, Media Release, 17 August 2023
Gaining premiums from the processor, maximising genetic improvement and the latest in sheep handling technology will be on show for lamb producers at the Pepperton Farms information day on September 6.
Hosted by the Trewick family, Pepperton Poll Dorsets and White Suffolks at Elmore from 10am to 3pm, the information day is a free event for lamb producers covering new products assisting with sheep health, the latest breeding trends including the importance of intramuscular fat, shear force and lean meat yield.
Keynote speaker, Sheep Genetics Senior Development Officer Emma McCrabb will outline the advantage of using superior sires to maximise genetic improvement while Claire Marriott, of Gundagai Meat Processors, will cover on gaining premiums under the Gundagai Lamb Quality score with intramuscular fat and lean meat yield.
Dean Bellingham, Shearwell Special Projects Manager, will speak on electronic identification tags and new sheep handling equipment.
Following a barbecue lunch, Meg Hanrahan, Leading Animal Health Officer, Animal Welfare (Northern), will outline the importance of vaccination against Ovine Johnes Disease and Brucellosis, along with footrot and other biosecurity issues.
Appropriate management of Barbers Pole and other worms, vaccination for arthritis and the correct application techniques will be covered by Zoetis senior livestock sales representative Heidi Sutherland.
Wrapping up the day will be information on Flexolt, the new oral treatment for lice and other products relevant to the red meat industry from Rachael Holmes, Coopers Animal Health.
Seminar visitors can inspect the rams on display to be offered on-property at Pepperton on October 18.
Pepperton co-principal Roger Trewick said it was important to provide the latest industry research, technology and best practice information for commercial sheep and lamb producers to help lift productivity and profitability in their own flocks.
“It is important producers have access to the tools to enable them to make the best possible breeding and feeding decisions in their own environment to optimise animal health and maximise market specifications,” Mr Trewick said.
To register for the free information day contact Dianne Trewick on 0408 468 820.