Thursday, February 13, 2025

Stop horsing about, AEMO

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Letter to The Buloke Times Editor

Dear Sir, Despite AEMO’s best efforts to tick the box and grant a submission extension period, that hidden in the fine print was the extension was only for VFF members, AEMO closed their submission on the 5.4.2023 and then gave a selective extension of 13 days.

It has now been 37 days since their submission extension period closed and AMEO stated that “any late submissions will be considered and included to the extent possible”.

AEMO have now released that they received 533 submission (over 200 of those in the ‘extension period’).

Naturally these have been derived from concerned residents, community members, professionals in the field and landholders along the “proposed option 5 corridor” that stretched approx.

200km from start to finish, 29 km at the southern end widest point, and 24km at the northern end widest point.

AEMO state that they would release a Project Conclusion Report – (PCR report) that would identify the corridor that would be best suited when taking into consideration the submissions received after announcing option 5.

Just a FYI – the definition of Conclusion is “the end of an event or process”.

Now, little over 21 days later than when AEMO said publicly “the report will be release later this week or early next”, they have released a new corridor map Option 5A, showing a larger corridor than initially identified, this being 230km from start to finish, 34km at the southern end widest point and 40km at the northern end widest point and only 29km wide at its narrowest, thus resulting in their Project Conclusion Report being that they have a “increased area of corridor” – how is that for a conclusion? AEMO are very quick to tell us that they are “Not for Profit organisation” …

You didn’t need to tell us that AEMO, your business model is a disgrace and clearly would not be sustainable or profitable if you so required it to be.

Option 5A is now the 8th “proposed route” of your VNI West corridor.

Each of those being a viable option in your mind at the time of release, until you find another one.

Six of your options are so tightly correlated and one that is so far out of the realm, you have made an option “A” for it so your logic isn’t crippled.

Quit horsing around AEMO.

It is time for ANSWERS!

Glenden Watts
Coonooer Bridge

This article appeared in The Buloke Times, 30 May 2023.

The Buloke Times 30 May 2023


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