Murray–Darling Basin Authority (MDBA), Goulburn-Murray Water (GMW), Joint Media Release, 10 May 2024
From Monday 13 May the Murray–Darling Basin Authority (MDBA) will commence releases from Lake Mulwala to lower the water levels by approximately 1.5 metres ahead of necessary maintenance and inspection work in June.
MDBA Acting Executive Director of River Management Angus Paton said releases would be managed to meet demands downstream of the Lake while also achieving the target water level of 123.3 metres AHD by 17 June 2024.
“The MDBA has been working with Goulburn-Murray Water and Transport New South Wales to determine the best approach to support essential maintenance on Yarrawonga Weir and coordinate maintenance works for Mulwala Bridge,” Mr Paton said.
“With the irrigation season drawing to a close we are taking this opportunity to temporarily lower Lake Mulwala to enable asset maintenance outside of peak tourism and recreational seasons.
“This is not a full draw down of the lake as in 2022, when levels were lowered by 5 metres. Instead, residents can expect the water to gradually recede over the next 5 weeks, which may affect the use of boat ramps and access points.
“We are working with stakeholders to minimise the impacts while this essential work is undertaken. Recreational users are advised to check conditions and contact GMW or their local council for updates on Lake access.”
Goulburn-Murray Water Storage Services General Manager Alan Shea said works on Yarrawonga Weir would likely proceed in late June.
“Submerged post tensioned anchor bolts will be inspected to ensure ongoing structural integrity of the weir,” Mr Shea said.
“Once all work is complete the lake will be refilled ahead of the next irrigation season.”
Transport for New South Wales will keep the community updated on traffic impacts as work progresses.