Pam Dillon, Barkly Region Sport Education Coordinator, Tennant & District Times
A team of 15 boys from four different schools across the Barkly ventured up to Darwin to compete in the 12 Years and Under School of Sport Education NT Australian Football Championships.
Team officials Tyler Horwood and Lachlan Dunemann coached and managed the boys through the three-day championships.
Playing together for the first time on day one, the skies opened up and it poured down with rain which made play very slippery and wet but the boys were determined to give it their best.
An educational excursion to Crocodylus Park saw the boys up close and personal with some crocodiles, snakes and other interesting animals.
Watching the crocodiles jump for their food was exciting. Sliding down the new slides at Leanyer Water Park was refreshing after a hot day playing football.
Fantastic positive behaviour was displayed throughout the trip and as a final reward they visited “The Jetty” restaurant where the team ate as much as they wanted and cleaned out the desert bar!
At the end of day two of competition, all teams were split into two pools with Barkly moving into Pool B.
With some more wins under their belt the Barkly Boys were named Champions of Pool B and to top it off were also named the School Spirit Award winners.
Congratulations to the following players: Dre Jackson, Hezekiah Raymond from Elliot School and Duqarn Foster from Tennant Creek Primary School who were selected to represent the NT at the 2023 School Sport Australia 12 Years and Under Boys Australian Football Championship being held in Hamilton NSW in August.
Marius Wilson also from Elliott was named as a reserve. We look forward to hearing about their adventures down south later in the year.
A big thank you goes out to Tyler and Lachlan for all their hard work to give the Barkly Boys the best experience they could have over the week away.
Thanks to Randall Cook, Principal – School of Sport Education, who helped Tyler drive the bus up to Darwin and back.
See all the photos in the issue.
This article appeared in Tennant & District Times, 7 April 2023.