The Pipers’ Lament for the dead of Long Tan.
Long Tan, South Vietnam, 18 August 1969 (three years after the Battle of Long Tan).
Australian War Memorial collection.
Every year, ANZAC Day continues to attract more and more people who cheer on our heroes from many wars – it is an emotional time for us Aussies. My Dad marched every year, being a vet from WW2. Me? As a Vietnam Vet, I started marching on this special day about 25 years ago.
A quarter of a century ago, it was time for me to acknowledge that I was in the Vietnam War in 1968/69 – I was in Nui Dat for just over six months. I guess like a lot of other men who had had this experience I was determined to hide the fact that I had been in this unpopular war.
Nowadays, as a Vietnam Vet, I have come to notice that more people are acknowledging us for what we did as Australian soldiers representing our country. Still there were many people, in those days of the war, who did not see it that way. However, I had been brought up to do what I had to do for my country and so when my marble came up from the 11th intake for National Service, I accepted what I had been asked (well, told) to do and on it went.
I was very pleased to be guest speaker at Woodgate, near Bundaberg in Queensland, at their Vietnam Vets Day in 2019 – before COVID hit. It was a special day and when I spoke it was of the positives I have found – finding mateship, responsibility, looking after your mates in terrible times and duty to country amongst many other facts and sure I could have delved into the negatives but then these have been dwelt upon way too many times.
I have celebrated Vietnam Vets Day since then although there have been so few celebrations thanks to COVID. Privately I have always said g’day to my remaining mates from those days so long ago – it seems like it was yesterday that I returned from Vietnam to my wonderful homeland on May 1st, 1969.
Memories – such memories.
This year is a going to be a big day for us here at the Redlands RSL Club at 10am on August 18th 2022 as we have a big service for the Vietnam Vets and then a joyous lunch for me with my family.
Naturally this day brings back so many memories. This day, in 1966, is deeply significant and important to us Aussies as it was on this day that 17 good Aussie diggers lost their lives in the Battle of Long Tan when the 11th Platoon, D Company, 6th Battalion were locked in a deadly battle with the enemy at Long Tan. Ironically, and two years after this horrible time, I was to join the 11th Platoon, D Company, 1RAR in 1968.
Now, decades since I was in the Army (and now very proud of my service) I confront the PTSD I have from those days. With the help of a good psychiatrist, a good doctor, the all-important meds, a great partner and the DVA assistance, I am able to see my life as it is and confront the demons when they come to aggravate me. And distance from the events that caused this insidious disorder also helps me too, although I have not been able to go back to Vietnam. Perhaps one day I will be able to do so. I doubt it.
Coming up is Vietnam Vets Day 2022 and even if your local RSL is not being involved, you can always contribute to this special day by saying g’day to a Vet. You know you know one, don’t do?