Thursday, January 16, 2025

Oscar Tamsen, Clarence Valley Independent


A case of fiction vs fact

Civilised society has for centuries depended on the truth and accuracy of the written or spoken word, but we are now starting to face major challenges to this historical and accepted fact. The current rapid appearance on the computerised Web of more and more unprofessional social and political influencers is fast bringing with it the threat of mass brainwashing, poor grammar and the loss of essential truths and even words.

Floodplain flashbacks

A not so well-known bard once remarked that one cannot learn the lessons of the future until you thoroughly know and accept the history of the past. These prophetic words came to mind when I attended a recent meeting in Yamba and most of the people present were relative newcomers to our town. I soon realised they had not experienced the original fears suffered by most local ratepayers over the then first attempts to develop our controversial floodplain areas…

Putting humanity back into humanity

As a person in his nineties and born in the past Holicene Age with the prospect of leaving it in the current Anthropocene Era, I have started wondering when the world is going to put humanity back into our sense of true original humanity. This question has been uppermost in my mind as I realise my life so far has also spanned two deadly world wars and 96 serious military actions between countries and states with a total estimated death toll of well over 120 million often innocent people.

Our hope for a new council

In welcoming our newly elected Clarence Valley councillors to their important positions as custodians of the interests of all ratepayers, may I make a gentle plea for them giving their utmost attention to the new Council’s public finances. On listening to all the Council candidates give their final speeches to the Yamba Chamber of Commerce “convince the ratepayers” meeting, I came away with two major thoughts.

Your mysterious power bill changes

Many of the 5.7 million Australian electric power users without solar panels on their roofs are likely to face very different power costs when they receive their next quarterly bill. Although we have continually been told in recent times that the already high price of power will be reduced, certain power retailing companies are simply currently advising their customers that “new electricity rates” will apply from the beginning of this month. They do not, however, warn that the new rates will generally sharply increase...

Tamsen’s Territory – the U.N. and its new world order

The United Nations is quietly encouraging a policy of making all countries adopt a host of new laws and regulations aimed at creating a new world order with international control by its target year of 2030. Evidence of this is provided by various U.N. management reports calling for a different world direction away from the post-World War II way of life and the way people have been governed by individual States. These reports claim that the U.N. intends to “reshape the world for the better,” by means of a common (U.N.) agenda driven by solidarity as prescribed by its declarations on human and associated rights, such as those for reparations for indigenous people.