Solar farm has all green lights
The Newstead Community Energy Project will be generating 100% local renewable electricity by the end of August this year. This is a cutting-edge project forming a partnership with energy retailers Flow Power and community energy group Renewable Newstead.
Power outages
Last week’s power outages in Maldon affected several homes and businesses, including the Maldon Rose Cafe, which suffered a loss of earnings for a day. Arriving on Wednesday morning with a fully booked house, the discovery was made that the fridges were not running at the correct temperature due to a power outage from 4am to 9am in the morning.
Helicopters inspecting powerlines
Land dwellers may have asked what the hovering helicopters were doing flying above Maldon ... Powercor has been conducting inspections for its vegetation and tree-cutting program ... The work is necessary in order to prevent power outages and fires.
Loong Community Symposium and Collection Care Roadshow this Sunday!
For 12 months through 2021 and 2022, Golden Dragon Museum in partnership with Grimwade Conservation Services, The University of Melbourne, delivered the Loong Conservation Project ... To mark and celebrate the completion of this award-winning Project ... presenting a day focusing on Loong and those personal treasures we all look after in our homes.
TEDx Maldon special event
A one-time special event, set for July 1 2023 during Maldon In Winter, will be the TEDxMaldon talks made up of local people who will share inspiring ideas on the TEDx platform. The program helps communities, organisations, and individuals produce TED-style events at the local level.
Lights! Cameras! Action!
There was a buzz of activity in Maldon last Tuesday, with the filming of a four-part mini-series named Scrublands getting underway. Dolphin Street was blocked off to the public while the film crew and actors took over.
2023 Antique Fair
The annual Antique Fair, now in its 15th year, was a resounding success last weekend, drawing in delighted sellers and buyers alike. The event saw an increase in attendance compared to last year, with an estimated 4,000 people passing through the gates.