Friday, September 13, 2024

Lloyd Polkinghorne, The Koondrook and Barham Bridge Newspaper


Murray crays released

150 Murray crayfish were released in Barham on Friday after many of the iconic species were relocated during the 2022 and early 2023 blackwater events. During the flood event, blackwater poured out of forests that had already had long periods of inundation with environmental water, contributing to poor water quality within the river system.

Make’n it happen

There are people whose dreams remain a concept of the mind, and then there are the likes of Kale Makeham, who push them into reality. When a video of Bob Correll, an American daredevil famous for his long-distance jumps on his infamous kite cycle popped up on Kale’s phone, a flight across the Murray became his next challenge.

When will they sea the light

The breeze was blowing up small waves as the unmistakable taste of salt lingered on my lips. Standing before me, a concrete wall battling the force of the Southern Ocean. All up, 7.6 kilometres of barrages were constructed by South Australia in a crude attempt to turn an estuary into freshwater lakes, with water solely supplied by the Murray River...

Reflecting badly

The Murray-Darling Basin Authority’s annual River Reflections Conference was held last week in Albury. The two-day conference was framed as a chance to look at the art of the possible when tackling complex problems and using the wisdom of the collective to shape a way forward together. Wisdom and the Basin Plan have been mutually exclusive terms to date. Would River Reflections 2024 be a chance to turn the page?

Carbon deals catch delta feel

Last week, local farmers, investors and Western Murray Land Improvement Group (WMLIG) celebrated the next step in their Murray Inland Delta Landscape Impact Project. With the financial world falling over themselves to get a piece of the carbon trading arena, an ambitious project has been initiated to ensure that meaningful, tangible environmental benefits can be achieved while delivering financial benefits to landholders.

Mandating Covid-19 therapeutics, questions continue

“At the pivotal point of Pfizer's vaccine approval in December 2020, there was a gross misrepresentation in what was presented publicly. Instead of the six deaths publicly disclosed, four placebo, two vaccinated, suggesting a benefit of vaccination, there were in fact 11 deaths, with more deaths in the vaccinated arm, six. We found undisclosed deaths, especially in the vaccinated arm of this clinical trial, in contravention to legal and ethical obligations of trial sponsors": Dr Jeyanthi Kunadhasan.