Friday, February 14, 2025

Get help to reboot your soil

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Local landholders will once again be able to tap into specialist support to ensure their soil is at its productive best.

“What is a healthy soil?” was the question discussed by participants of the Upper Murray Landcare Network’s two four-day Soil Health courses which ran over four months in 2023.

Landholders were encouraged to find answers to this question by taking a close look at soils on their properties through the delivery of the Digging Deeper program by Soil Land Food.

An outline of how the program activities can help understand the complexities of sustainable and productive soil was presented in interactive sessions by Agroecologist, David Hardwick, assisted by colleagues Simon Mattsson and Kristy Youman.

Funded by Bushfire Recovery Victoria, the aim of the program is to provide assistance to farmers or anyone wanting to understand the biology of healthy soil and to work with specialists to understand how balanced nutrients, soil fungi, microbes and carbon can work together to improve soil structure and condition.

Soils are the foundation for sustainable production and a basis for adaptation to changing seasonal conditions, a present challenge which needs to be met. It is important to understand what can be done to increase water holding capacity, minimise runoff, ensure nutrient status is measured correctly and have a soil management plan designed with expert assistance.

Funding is available for soil tests, on site assessments, help with preparing a soil management plan, group discussion and field sessions and opportunities to trial practice change with pasture establishment or grazing methods.

An information session for Round 3 of the program will be held on January 31st at Cudgewa Hall from 12 noon 2pm (lunch included), where potential participants can find out more about the program and if it is something they think would increase their knowledge and skills.

There will be a session a month over the next four months.

Soil Land Food, a Sustainable Agriculture consultancy, will run the program, supported by various agencies and presenters. The days are practical, hands-on sessions with soil tests for each participant and discussion of the results in property visits and small group sessions.

Register now if you would like to participate in the introductory session by calling calling Upper Murray Landcare on 0455 727 000 or email

Corryong Courier 25 January 2024

This article appeared in the Corryong Courier, 25 January 2024.


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