Sunday, September 8, 2024

Many hands, and the job is done

Recent stories

The Charlton community has rallied behind an important initiative led by the Charlton Forum and Charlton Neighbourhood House.  

A range of work has been undertaken to beautify areas of the town, with many hours volunteered by the North Central Garden Club, Lions, Flexible Learning Options program students, Beautify Charlton, CWA, OASIS, and civic minded individuals. The High Street concrete garden pots were given a lick of paint and some new plantings to enhance the new coloured tourism surrounds, while existing garden beds were weeded and trimmed back in preparation for spring growth. The Buloke Shire has assisted by donating some materials, waiving tip fees and clearing rubbish away.

The main effort has concentrated around the access lane between the Globe Hotel and commercial building next door, with trimming of non-native plantings, removing rocks and rubble, erecting a new fence, painting and laying of suitable all access walkway toppings. 

A huge thanks go to local trades people including Darren Mills, who has been coordinating the program, Wes Jenkyn, Chris Mathews and Brad Getley for all freely giving their time and expertise for the program. The end result will be a clearly defined access lane between the High Street and Avoca River precinct.

A thank you barbecue concluded the morning’s work, and everyone was extremely pleased by what had been accomplished by the group. This will be appreciated by the many visitors expected to town over the coming months. 

Contact the Charlton Neighbourhood House if you would like details on how you can get involved with further planned activities, including a public art work proposed in the newly refurbished laneway.

See all the photos in the issue.

The Buloke Times 12 September 2023

This article appeared in The Buloke Times, 12 September 2023.


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