Saturday, May 25, 2024

The Buloke Times


Donald prepares at Swan Hill

Donald’s footballers had their one and only practice hit-out leading up to North-Central’s 2023 season at Swan Hill last Saturday, fielding a team that combined plenty of youth and experience.

The hunt is on today!

The end of term 1 and Easter is fast approaching, and the local children in Birchip are enjoying a number of Easter traditions that make this time of year all the more fun and exciting ... The Birchip playgroup children had lots of fun on Friday in the park scavenging for eggs and were delighted with their results, as they devoured the chocolate and played in the ever-popular Morton Bay Fig trees and on the playground equipment.

Resilience ignited at BCG event, Swan Hill

Igniting Resilience, hosted by BCG at the Lower Mallee Inn at Swan Hill recently, lived up to its name. Young farmers and agribusiness professionals heard from guest speakers The Unbreakable Farmer Warren Davies, farmers Simone Murdoch (Swan Hill), Jarrod Kemp (Nullawil) and Will Simpson (Berriwillock), who shared how they navigate the challenges of life and farming. 

Apprentice jockeys shine at Donald

Donald Racing Centre held its first meeting for 2023, on Sunday, March 26. On the day, two women apprentice jockeys celebrated success with a win each in races five and six.

We can’t afford to lose older herbicides

The Linklater family ... of Trentham Farms, near Gol Gol, NSW, crop 9800 ha of sandy loam country and appreciate the value of older and cheaper herbicides that are still effective options against their major weeds. With a focus on maximising yield by cropping as often as possible, Daniel says it is necessary to take a medium to long-term view when making decisions rather than focusing on the lowest-cost options in a single season.

Celebrating harmony

Last week, Harmony celebrations all over Australia reminded us that everyone is different, everyone belongs and we all bring something unique to our communities.

Marnoo Mega-Match makes $50,000

Imagine this: One cricket match was played, each team faced just 20 overs, 36 sixes and 41 fours were scored, the game finished in a draw at 259 runs apiece, and the royal Children’s Hospital will benefit by almost $50,000.