Friday, May 17, 2024

Tarrangower Times


AFL Auskick Champion

Maldon Auskick Centre was lucky enough to have Maddy Pieper, AFL Central Vic Auskick Champion, run a session with the group last week. The kids, though always well behaved, were extra attentive to Maddy.

New tanker for Newstead

In addition to a 2,000 litre tank, the new tanker contains 650 litres of water set aside for crew and vehicle protection sprays in the event of a burnover. It also includes brackets to hold breathing apparatus cylinders as well as a cabin that allows a crew of five to travel safely together.

Paper price through the roof

The [Tarrangower] Times has an excellent and longstanding relationship with its printer. That printer was the bearer of bad news recently, when it informed the Times that the cost of printing newspapers had increased significantly due to a dramatic rise in the cost of paper. It is expected there will be further price hikes in the pipeline. There is also a looming newsprint shortage.

Blast from the past: The Chinese concert

On Monday, 22 April 1901, Maldon’s Chinese community gave a concert at the Temperance Hall (now the Community Centre) to help raise funds for the Maldon Hospital ... A highlight of the evening was the Chinese dragon, worked by Tow Yin, Ah Chong and George Ah Mi. The dragon performed an elaborate dance before miming the actions of eating a meal and bathing and then settling down and going to sleep. The performance was greeted with loud applause.

East Timor 20 years of independence celebration

The Australian Timor Leste Friendship Network was established in 2009, and in the same year, Mount Alexander Shire entered into a Friendship Relationship Agreement with the sub-district of Lolotoe, Timor Leste and Friends of Lolotoe Timor-Leste Incorporated. This friendship is based on mutual support and respect for each other’s culture. The Friendship group started work raising funds for school infrastructure, school resources, scholarships and gardening programs.

Maldon in Winter is coming!

This year's winter festival is going to be bigger and better than ever. The 17-day event will begin on Friday 24 June, with a bonfire and story-telling at the Maldon Golf Club, followed by an intimate performance by the award-winning classical guitarist Clancy McLeod.

Biggest morning tea at Plaistow Homestead

Raise money for the Cancer Council while enjoying a delicious morning tea at the beautiful, historic Plaistow Homestead this Thursday, 19 May. From 10am, there will be scones freshly cooked, bottomless tea and coffee, stalls with plants, quality knitting and handcrafts and continuous music from the Maldon based Platform Souls. Other musicians are welcome to bring their instruments and join in.