Powerlink aggravating anxiety: Property Rights Australia


Property Rights Australia Inc, Media Release, 27 April 2023

Powerlink Queensland’s continued roll out of power transmission projects is having significant mental health impacts on Queensland landowners.

“On Wednesday 26 April landowners were contacted by Powerlink representatives advising of an imminent announcement of the final Woolooga West high voltage powerline corridor,” Interim Chair of Property Rights Australia (PRA) Jim Willmott said.

“I have spoken to locals in Kilkivan and the levels of stress have been exacerbated by phone calls and emails stating that a decision on the high voltage (HV) powerline route will be released. More disturbingly, I understand that only 27 per cent of the recommended corridor uses available State-owned land which is ridiculous given the amount of State-owned land near the recommended corridor.”

“I have been advised that 129 freehold properties will be directly impacted by the recommended powerline route.”

There has been no interest from Powerlink or Minister de Brenni regarding the stress and negative mental health implications on the community.

“The State government has an obligation to undertake genuine consultation not the ‘Claytons’ consultation locals have been treated to.”

“In many locations local forums convened by Powerlink were only offered after public pressure limited locals to asking a single question.”

“PRA on behalf of affected landowners need to restate a simple message to Powerlink Queensland, and the State government, STATE LAND FIRST” Mr Willmott said.

Related story: Recommended corridors released for Gympie, Somerset and South Burnett transmission line connections: Powerlink


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