Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Chris Oldfield, Naracoorte Community News


Our Q&A

The lack of a TAFE, children with special needs, the health bureaucracy, E-tag regulations, arts, rare earth mining, radiation therapy and plastics were among 16 questions asked at last week’s Country Cabinet forum in Naracoorte. During a two-day whirlwind visit SA Premier Peter Malinauskas, his ministers and all department chiefs collectively met with hundreds of people as they travelled to various special spots within our region.

Telstra secrets

Telstra expects the SA Government will announce during its Country Cabinet meeting in Naracoorte a commitment to partially fund 27 mobile phone towers ... Telstra pushed for secrecy and closed doors during a presentation which rolled on for almost an hour at the October 13 meeting of the Limestone Coast Local Government Association (LCLGA) in Kingston.

Many issues behind empty shops

The condition of buildings, rental levels and the challenging economic environment are some of the causes of empty shops along Smith St, according to CEO Trevor Smart. Mr Smart said while some may suggest shop vacancies were caused by parking, “there are also many other issues" ... The [Naracoorte Community] News queried suggestions that under the previous council’s rejuvenation plan it was going to offer $1m for the purchase of Norman’s Carpets and its private car park.

Crime wave

In the shadow of darkness, sometimes thieves are lurking down side streets, back roads and farm paddocks, checking for unlocked cars, sheds, houses and gates to steal whatever they can. “It is a sign of the times, driven by the high cost of living as a result of high electricity prices,” according to RM Electronics owner Rob Mutton who is currently selling a record number of security cameras, helping police catch thieves.

Some crimes reported

Some of the criminal activity in the district is reported by SA Police on its website. According to the site, reports in recent months included the arrest of two men who triggered an alarm in June at a Blackwell Rd waste management business ... In late July CCTV footage was released by police on their website regarding a May 11, break in of a Naracoorte chemist.

Our Judy – Australia’s oldest checkout chick?

One of Australia’s oldest checkout chicks is our own sprightly 81 year old, Judy Biggins of Naracoorte. “I love my job!” says Judy, while packing and sorting groceries as they pass through her checkout, and her customers love her.

NLC tours Frances

The Frances community will soon boast a BMX track ... hopes to sell its Town Hall and pump the proceeds into upgrades at the Frances Recreation Reserve ... Those were some of the items raised by Frances Progress Association chairman Danielle Moore during a visit to the township by Naracoorte Lucindale Council...

Pasin ponders phone towers

Member for Barker Tony Pasin would prefer a different funding method than the “all or nothing” approach of Telstra’s Connect Limestone Coast project. The $40 million project involves 27 phone towers scattered across the region, each costing $1.5 million.

Civic leaders to push for roads, housing, health and education

The region’s mayors and CEOs will work together to access investment for improved roads, housing, health and education. That was one of the key messages from Naracoorte Lucindale mayor Patrick Ross who recently welcomed the various civic leaders to Naracoorte.

$9.75m injection for Keith hospital

The Keith and District Hospital has officially joined SA Health with a $9.75 million boost from the SA State Government. After so many decades of uncertainty, it was a moment the Upper SE community had been waiting for. Sporting a new public healthcare model – the facility will be known as Keith and District Healthcare.