Sunday, May 19, 2024

Chris Oldfield, Naracoorte Community News


$550,000 machine saving more lives

Patients arriving at Naracoorte Hospital from vehicle crashes, farm accidents and sports injuries will no longer be always sent away for further high tech, detailed computer tomography scans ... A scanner installed 7.5 years ago – which saved hundreds of lives – has now been replaced with a $550,000 new, faster, high-tech one. And not one cent of government funding was involved.

Radiation submission lodged

An SA Legislative Review Committee inquiring into radiation therapy in the Limestone Coast is underway in State Parliament. A written submission by the Limestone Coast Radiation Therapy Working Group includes the awful experiences of many forced to travel to Adelaide, including Naracoorte’s “Lisa” and “Graham Hinze”.

Farmers thirsty for information

Some of our district’s leading farmers rolled into the Naracoorte Town Hall recently, eager to hear the latest about cyber security, farm finance, carbon farming and livestock health. Additionally, motivational speakers included Naracoorte raised Jess Stenson, a Commonwealth Games gold medallist, and her brother Jack Trengrove, a former AFL footballer who found success within the finance industry.

Please help us

Laughter rings out from a work shed behind various display buildings at the back of The Sheep’s Back museum in Naracoorte. The popular trio help form part of a small and dedicated group who make up the Naracoorte National Trust.

NLC to borrow $1.52 million

A loan for $1,522,500 million at around 5.29 per cent for the next five years will be taken out by Naracoorte Lucindale Council on June 15. The borrowed funds will be used to help upgrade SA’s biggest saleyards, Naracoorte Regional Livestock Exchange (NRLE). Turning 50 this year at its current site and considered a jewel in the council's crown, the “user pays” facility is self-funded by the district’s biggest ratepayers, its primary producers.

30 flat tyres along one road

After around 30 flat tyres which were speared by stones, James Road is finally on the Naracoorte Lucindale Council’s list of things to do. Almost 13 kms long, 400 metres of James Road was resheeted around three years ago with material including the overburden of a porphyry mine in the Kingston District Council area.

Radiation funds diverted

SA Health Minister Chris Picton says the government will be “undertaking a feasibility study and business case” regarding radiation treatment services in the Limestone Coast. The $80,000 inquiry comes despite documents revealing the embattled Limestone Coast Local Health Network (LCLHN) plans to divert $4.3 million away from cancer patients requiring local radiation therapy.

Fee rise funds major upgrade

South Australia’s biggest saleyards, the Naracoorte Regional Livestock Exchange (NRLE), is set to increase the footprint of its undercover cattle section by 40 percent in a multi-million-dollar upgrade. An expanded roof, a revamp of the unloading ramp area and truck wash modifications form part of the improvements that will see around $2 million spent at the facility.

20,000 South Easterners force state inquiry

Naracoorte's Lachlan Haynes and his radiation treatment working party will be at Parliament House [on Thursday 4 May 2023] where their petition of 20,0000 signatures will spark a State Legislative Review Committee inquiry. The petition calls for radiation treatment services to be available in the South East, and 20,000 people signed in less than three months ... Cancer patients, at their own cost, then must travel to Adelaide or interstate and live there for the duration of their radiation therapy which is usually 15 minutes a day for two to three months.

Our ANZAC Day goes viral

Around 1000 people gathered at first light for Naracoorte’s Anzac Day Dawn Service where a special haka performance enthused the crowd. The performance has since gone viral via various traditional and social media platforms.