Monday, February 10, 2025


water security

The recycled water roadmap

We all know that water is the most essential commodity for human life to exist on the planet, and how much we enjoy a glass of clean, cold water on a hot day – but we could soon be drinking recycled water under the NSW Government’s Recycled Water Roadmap – and you have until January 10 to have your say.

Water security paramount

The water landscape is undergoing massive changes, with some local towns now in the process of becoming connected to Toowoomba’s water supply and other towns to benefit from plans for a new water treatment plant … The importance of these long awaited projects to supply treated water for Clifton, Nobby, Greenmount and Cambooya was evident by the large roll up of political leaders from state and local governments.

Wilcannia Weir Independent Review Panel members announced

Panel members have now been appointed to lead the independent review into the Wilcannia Weir Replacement Project, marking a significant step forward in the review process. It comes following the NSW Government’s commitment to undertake a review of the Wilcannia proposed weir design.

Water security for Vale View

The days of high level water restrictions should be over soon for Vale View residents as their water is connected to the Toowoomba Bulk Water Supply ... the $1.5 million Vale View Pipeline connection program is an investment as Council continues to plan and deliver critical water infrastructure to support the future needs of townships across our region.

Water security for Wilcannia

A drop in session was held at Baker Park last Thursday to inform the community of the progress of the proposed new bore to supplement the town water supply. Interestingly, the presenters, Maddy, Chris and Shaun, were able to explain a few details that probably have not been conveyed properly to the community.

Rookwood Weir water flowing to Central Queenslanders: Plibersek, Butcher

Rookwood Weir celebrated another milestone as Queensland Water Minister Glenn Butcher joined customers to celebrate water from Rookwood Weir flowing to Central Queensland irrigators. Customers for Australia’s newest major water infrastructure asset began accessing Rookwood Weir water in August 2024 … The weir is providing a significant boost to the region’s water security and will drive economic growth and job creation for generations to come.

More water and better quality promised to three villages with $2mil funding

Water supply for the villages of Urbenville, Muli Muli and Woodenbong will be increased in capacity from 600 to 700 people. The Water Supply Project to these three villages will also improve the water quality as well with State Government funding of $2million to deliver the final stages to the Urbenville Water Treatment Plant.

Local faces at water resource conference

Hugh Schuitemaker. Local mayors and a senior irrigation industry figure participated in discussions of how to approach South Australia’s future water use at a major conference ... "A key announcement was that SA Water has committed to cap its reliance on the River Murray at the current level": Riverland Irrigation Trust CEO Rosalie Auricht.

Calling all citizen scientists to learn more about groundwater: CDU

Charles Darwin University (CDU) researchers are calling out for over 500 citizen scientists living in the northern part of the Territory and Western Australia to collect water samples from their bores using sampling kits in a bid to increase water security.  Groundwater is stored beneath the Earth’s surface and is often seen as out of sight and out of mind, but it is an important permanent source of water in otherwise dry landscapes.  

Future “Made in Australia” needs water to make it happen

Boosting technologies and manufacturing for a Future Made in Australia could get off to a healthy start if we focus on water security solutions. That’s according to Kristi McLachlan, who’s the Regional Director of Water Australia Asia for Hatch, a global multidisciplinary leader in urban solutions, engineering, operational and development projects in metals, energy and infrastructure.