Monday, January 13, 2025


prescribed burning

Nannas decry prescribed burn’s ‘bleak aftermath’

Conservation group Denmark Nannas for Native Forests found a bleak aftermath of a 1123ha prescribed burn in November of Sheepwash North in Mt Lindesay National Park. They were shocked to see big areas of tree canopy defoliated and most of the remaining canopy scorched.

Major concerns in relation to bushfire preparedness across SE Australia: John O’Donnell

In this timely piece, John O'Donnell reviews the state of bushfire preparedness in New South Wales in light of the NSW Rural Fire Service 2023/2024 Annual Report.

Caring about Carnaby’s Cockatoo: David Ward

Dr David Ward. The tongue of experience has the most truth. Old Arab Proverb ... a pair of interesting scientists, Valerie Densmore and Emma Clingan, both from DBCA , and both with actual practical experience in fire fighting and lighting ... have found that, at least on the Swan Coastal Plain, Carnaby's feathery friends may have more food where the bush is burnt frequently, with light and patchy fires every few years, rather than roaring wildfires after decades of fuel accumulation.

Old practices rekindled in new firefighting partnership: Forestry Corporation of NSW

The Western Bundjalung community’s Ngullingah Jugun Aboriginal Corporation is working with Forestry Corporation to bring together knowledge of cultural burning with government bushfire management. A fire training course has been held in Jubullum Village, near Tabulam … the fire training will improve both the community and government response to wildfires.

Ergon calls for extra vigilance

Almost a dozen power poles have been lost in the past few months due to fires from what’s thought to have been a series of separate hazard reduction burns across the state. Energy Queensland Chief Operating Officer Paul Jordon said while hazard reduction burning is an essential tool for managing vegetation and reducing fire risks, it is crucial to exercise caution to prevent unintended electrical infrastructure damage.

Forestry firefighters train for bushfire season: Forestry Corporation of NSW

Forestry Corporation firefighters on the North Coast are preparing for the bushfire season refreshing skills and planning for the fire season they will face in spring and summer ... North Coast and Far North Coast firefighters have attended preseason fire days near Grafton for training refreshers on equipment, fireground procedure, command, control, communications and safety.

Better ways to influence and fight back against poor and inadequate governance: John O’Donnell

John O’Donnell identifies numerous instances of what he sees as poor and inadequate governance at local, state and federal level, many of them being cross sector issues, highlighting the importance of working more effectivly together to address them. John goes on to identify possible ways to influence better outcomes. 

Aboriginal rangers share rich cultural heritage in the ruggedly beautiful Pilbara

When a group of Midwest Traditional Owners visited the Pilbara recently they gained a whole lot more than a training experience. The Yamatji, Jidi Jidi and Nanda groups from the Midwest were hosted by the Yindjibarndi group at Millstream Chichester National Park, south of Karratha.

Town and city bushfire disaster review, case studies and lessons across Australia: John O’Donnell

In this review, John O'Donnell explores 19 town and city bushfire disasters, ranging from bushfire impacts of the early settlements in the 1851 Victorian bushfires to bushfires in 2021, a period covering 170 years. Readers can assess bushfire preparation in relation to their own and other towns and cities and consider if bushfire preparation is well managed, has improved after earlier bushfires and if it has improved since the 2019/ 20 bushfires.

Protestors gather to save the tingles

About 150 people gathered at Nornalup on March 23 to protest about the State Government’s plan to burn 80ha of nearby mostly-unlogged tingle forest. Nornalup community members are angry about the planned burn which environmentalists say is counter-productive to fire mitigation and destructive to the environment.