Monday, February 10, 2025


Murray-Darling Basin

Urban Channel Pipeline Project to benefit community

Murrumbidgee Irrigation (MI) is looking forward to kicking off the Urban Channel Pipeline Project this year, which will provide a range of benefits to the communities of Griffith and Leeton ... The project is designed to replace inefficient aging channels around Griffith and Leeton with 47.5 kilometres of new pipeline.

Minister for Water visits and listens

Minister for Water, Housing, Homelessness, Mental Health, Youth and the North Coast, the Hon. Rose Jackson, MLC, visited Wilcannia on Wednesday 26th June to hear residents’ thoughts on the process taken in changing the design of the proposed new weir. Walking freely and looking comfortable, the Minister made herself known to each person she came across gathered around the Memorial in Baker Park.

No package plus buybacks = wasteland

The spectre of water buybacks, plus the absence of a targeted support package for Riverland grape growers, risk turning local communities into "economic wastelands", a local MP has warned. Liberal Barker MP Tony Pasin has labelled a $3.5 million federal funding package as "too little, too late" and accused both Labor governments of ignoring the crisis confronting inland wine regions like the Riverland.

Dalton supports buybacks petition

Member for Murray Helen Dalton has thrown her support behind the “Protect Rural and Remote Communities from Commonwealth Water Buybacks” petition lodged with the NSW Legislative Assembly. The origin of the petition is unknown, and is attributed by Ms Dalton to a ‘constituent’ and the independent member says buybacks will harm country towns.  

Susan Close keeps blue-green algae sludge secret despite health warning for River Murray: Centofanti, Whetstone

Blue-green algae sludge – which poses health risks to humans and livestock – has begun trickling down the River Murray from New South Wales after Susan Close agreed to accept the concerning bacteria in South Australia without warning communities ... the NSW Government recognising “not only is the foul smell and colour of the water extremely distressing for the local community, blue-green algae can also pose potential health risks to humans and livestock”.

Basin book aims to educate

A new book about the rivers and wetlands of the Murray-Darling Basin includes information about the Upper Murray and is now on its way to thousands of primary schools across Australia. Commissioned by the Jane Goodall Institute in London and Sydney, the book was written by the Petaurus Education Group in Albury-Wodonga.

Communities thrown under bus in Greens water deal: NFF

Farming communities fear a deal announced today between the Government and the Greens will see their concerns about water buybacks ignored in favour of cheap politics. National Farmers’ Federation President David Jochinke said when presented with the choice to listen to communities and negotiate on sensible changes, MMr Jochinke is currently in the Basin town of Shepparton where a major demonstration is underway with tractors and heavy machinery convoying in opposition to further water buybacks.

Strengthening the Restoring Our Rivers Bill: Plibersek, Hanson-Young

The Albanese Government and Australian Greens have agreed to strengthen the Restoring Our Rivers Bill ... “We’re talking about the largest inland river system in Australia, supporting threatened plants and animals and delivering drinking water for 3 million Australians. We have to get this right": Plibersek ... “As part of this agreement, the Greens have secured an independent audit of water in the basin to stop the rorts, inject integrity and restore trust after a decade of mismanagement from vested interests": Hanson-Young.

When next drought hits … farmers left high and dry

The Victorian Farmers Federation (VFF) says claims by Federal Water Minister Tanya Plibersek that Basin farmers are thriving under a decade of water buybacks is untrue, and the reality is farmers are fearing the next big dry ... “The truth is her own Department website produces a summary table of all recoveries and it clearly states 12.2GL has been recovered with a further 13.8GL under contract. That's a total of 26GL towards the 450GL, not the 2GL she keeps suggesting”: VFF Water Council chairperson Andrew Leahy.

New water legislation will have detrimental effects on Greater Shepparton: Greater Shepparton City Council

A water bill proposed by the Federal Government, which could see buybacks take 450GL of water from local irrigators, will have detrimental effects on the Greater Shepparton region and its horticulture industry … Known for being the food bowl of Australia, Cr Sali said Greater Shepparton would feel the brunt of the Water Amendment (Restoring Our Rivers) Bill 2023...