Monday, February 10, 2025


farm management

Turning science to finance – New tool to help farmers tackle the climate challenge: CEFC, CSIRO

Australian farmers are set to tackle emissions from the ground up, with a free guide to develop and implement sustainable practices on farms. The Towards Net Zero Agriculture Pathfinder (Pathfinder), a joint initiative by the Clean Energy Finance Corporation (CEFC) and CSIRO, is a practical guide to help farmers reduce greenhouse gas emissions while maintaining productivity and competitiveness.

Farmers can now save twice by swapping to cost saving low emissions methods and machinery: Bowen, Collins

Farmers, agri-businesses and equipment purchasers are now eligible for discounted loans to help roll out a range of long-term cost savings initiatives that reduce emissions ... Discounts on interest rates of up to 1.15 per cent will be available to eligible borrowers through NAB under the new green asset finance investment program with the CEFC.    

Soil Acidity Workshop shares learnings, strategies and technologies: GRDC

The Grains Research and Development Corporation (GRDC) will host a national meeting in Adelaide on 19 February 2025 for grain industry participants to share knowledge on managing soil acidity in cropping systems.

Dozens of gappies start on-farm careers this month: NFF

The National Farmers’ Federation’s flagship gap-year program AgCAREERSTART has begun for another year, with dozens of young people kicking off their agricultural careers this week. AgCAREERSTART connects farmers with 17-25 year olds who are looking to work on Australian farms.  

Top global trends impacting Australian food and agri to 2030: Rabobank

Changed eating patterns due to the rising use of anti-obesity drugs, a shift towards in-home alcohol consumption and increasing demand for dairy products tailored to older consumers are among some of the top global trends in food and agri set to be felt in Australia in the next five years, according to a new series of podcasts from Rabobank.

A harvest season of mixed results in Nhill, Kaniva and surrounding districts

The harvest season in Nhill, Kaniva, and the district brought a mixed bag of results for farmers. While some crops exceeded expectations, others underperformed, reflecting the challenges posed by the season’s dry conditions. Kaniva farmer Brett Jewell commented, "It certainly has been interesting, with some crops yielding better than expected and others worse.

Fire exposes risk of chicken farm waste

The management, storage and disposal of farm waste products has become a focus after residents reportedly discovered a smouldering fire in a chicken litter stockpile last week. A resident in the Baringhup/Carisbrook area says they discovered evidence of self-combustion in a pile of chicken farm waste following a day of Total Fire Ban in the district, expressing concern that it could happen again.

Secure the food supply

All agricultural land in Victoria should be mapped and strategic land use planning established to protect farmland in major areas such as Gippsland, according to a landmark report by a Victorian parliamentary committee. This was one of 33 recommendations and 29 findings in a report ‘Securing Victoria’s Food Supply’ by the Legislative Assembly Environment and Planning Committee.

Time to trial fire vehicles: NSW Farmers Association

Farmers are urged to take part in a trial of Farm Fire Units in NSW as unprecedented bushfires continue to burn in the United States. Under a NSW Government trial in place until 31 March, private farm vehicles used for firefighting purposes known as Farm Fire Units – or Farm Fire Fighting Vehicles (FFFVs) – can be used unregistered under certain conditions.

New resources for ewe pregnancy scanning

Meat & Livestock Australia (MLA) and Australian Wool Innovation (AWI) have released a range of new resources to help producers scan and manage pregnant ewes. The new resources are the result of a multi-year coinvestment between MLA and AWI aimed to improve lamb survival and reproductive rates in the Australian sheep flock through better adoption of pregnancy scanning.