Friday, September 13, 2024

Politics & Opinion - draft

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No farmers, no food

Sophie Baldwin. 'No farmers, no food’ was the battle cry as farmers from across the country descended on Federation Mall in Canberra on Tuesday, united in a desire to send a clear message to the Federal Government. Australian farmers have had enough of poor government policy and appeasing the green vote impacting on their ability to feed the nation – and the world.

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Thousands attend historic National Farmer Rally: NFF

Today more than 2,000 farmers and their supporters stood on the lawns in front of Parliament House in Canberra to send a powerful message to the people who determine the policies that impact farmers’ livelihoods. They told them, farmers do not feel like they're being listened to, that their voices are being drowned out by activists with anti-farming agendas ... "there is a very simple thing we have to say: No farmers, no food": David Jochinke, NFF President.

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Rural Aid supports National Farmer Rally

Australia’s most trusted rural charity has thrown its support behind the National Farmer Rally in Canberra today (Tuesday, September 10) to stand up for the future of agriculture. Rural Aid CEO John Warlters said ... the National Farmer Rally will highlight the many challenges farmers face on a daily basis.

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Public Transport Levy explained

In response to backlash from outside of Toowoomba, where residents do not have access to public transport yet alone use it, Toowoomba Regional Council has published responses to frequently asked questions regarding the Public Transport Levy on the most recent rates notice. Part of the FAQ is as follows: Why has TRC included a Public Transport Levy on my rates notice? ... What is the Toowoomba Region Sustainable Transport Strategy 2023? ... Am I paying more in my rates because of this levy?...

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Duck hunting hassles

Natalie Krebs. Australians have a dedicated overlanding and camping culture. They cook a leisurely breakfast and then simply wade out into the marsh a few hundred yards to pass-shoot ducks. These lowkey setups make it easy for casual hunters to have a good time, and convenient for activists to interfere.

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‘Forest of the Fallen’ visits Kerang

600 bamboo stakes stood amongst the crowd at the Kerang Community Market on Saturday. Each stake held the story of an Australian who had an adverse reaction to the mandated Covid-19 therapeutic.

Farmers’ Associations

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Supermarkets to record super profits during cost-of-living crisis: NFF

The NFF Horticulture Council has today reaffirmed its call for tighter government controls on supermarket trading practices as annual profits are reported by the major listed companies. Council chair, Jolyon Burnett said the results would speak for themselves, and that not even a cost-of-living crisis had dampened the supermarket drive for profits above all else.

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Watch this space to Keep the Sheep: John Hassell

John Hassell. On 16 July members of the ‘Keep the Sheep’ group of industry peak bodies fighting to retain the live sheep trade signed off on a letter to the WA Minister for Agriculture, Jackie Jarvis, in response to the Albanese government's disgraceful vote to put live exports to the sword. Now I won’t print the whole letter, but it is worth knowing what WAFarmers, the Pastoralists and Graziers, WA Shearers, Livestock Transporters, Stud Marino Breeders and the Live Exporters Assn are asking in the letter, so I'll quote the key bits ...

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Peak body lobbies for virtual fencing in NSW

Virtual fencing is a system that enables livestock of varying types to be confined or moved without using fixed fences, instead relying on collars, sensors and wireless technologies. The CSIRO started research and development (R&D) into virtual fencing in 2005. Animals are given an audio warning if they approach the perimeter and feel an electric pulse if they continue – one far lower than contacting an electric fence.

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Forest & Land Management

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Board defends powers

The Limestone Coast Landscape Board says it seeks to engage with landholders and offer support and information to manage an issue. Limestone Coast media and communications officer Andrea Bartetzko also explained how landscape boards can in some circumstances enter homes and properties without permission from landholders, and without a warrant ... some farmers dismayed by the Landscape Board’s “threatening” approach and who fear retribution have turned to fellow farmer, hunter and businessman Jake Nicholson.

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Forestry Australia says Queensland Government have jumped gun on Greater Glider Forest Park

Forestry Australia is disappointed the Miles Labor Government is jumping the gun in declaring a Greater Glider Forest Park ... “The assumption that harvesting timber from native forests is necessarily harmful to biodiversity is not correct and there is indeed strong evidence that forests need to be managed actively. It is time to move away from the binary approach of commercial forests vs protected areas and consider a more nuanced approach ...": Dr Bill Jackson.

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Miles doing what matters: Greater Glider Forest Park protected area for Queensland: Linard, Saunders

Environment Minister Leanne Linard has announced 54,000 hectares of greater glider habitat in South East Queensland state forest will be transitioned to a new natural capital tenure ... Of the 54,000 hectares, 7,500 hectares are set to be placed into Natural Capital Reserve as a potential strategic advance offset for the critical Borumba Pumped Hydro project.

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Parliament to examine transmission expansion

State Parliament’s Legislative Council Economy and Infrastructure Committee will conduct an inquiry proposed by the Liberals and Nationals into the expansion of Victoria’s high-voltage power transmission system. It will examine the expansion as proposed by the Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO), VicGrid and the Transmission Company Victoria (TCV) as well as the expansion of Victorian transmission connections associated with the Victorian Government’s proposed “renewable energy zones”.

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Post Office closed due to lead contamination

Narrandera Post Office closed this week when lead contamination was identified in one of the back-of-house rooms during a routine check of the building. An Australia Post spokesperson said following health advice, the post office was closed and Australia Post was in the process of trying to get a temporary post office up and running to service the town.

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Local Government

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Mayoral chain returns to Hay

A mayoral chain worn by the late OJ Smith has been returned to Hay. “It needed to come back home,” former Hay resident Noelene Martin said ... Noelene and her husband, Rod brought the chain to Hay over the weekend after having it framed, and presented it to Council on Monday morning.

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Elected councillors to return but … an update

Two representatives from office of the Minister for Local Government Ron Hoenig, accompanied Shire Administrator Bob Stewart and General Manager Greg Hill at meetings in Wilcannia, White Cliffs, Ivanhoe and Menindee last week to explain the current state of affairs regarding the future of the shire. There is a Local Government Amendment (Rural and Remote Councils) Bill currently before Parliament which will enable Central Darling Shire Council (CDSC) to return to a "democratic governance model."

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Carrathool Council calls out cost shifting

"Cost shifting is when state or federal governments transfer, or ‘shift’ responsibility for providing a certain service, concession, asset or regulatory function to councils ... a report prepared for Local Government NSW by consulting firm Morrison Low ... provides information on how local government ratepayers are funding more than a billion dollars of state government obligations.

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Ministerial Statements

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Strengthening Territory liquor laws: Potter

The Lawler Labor Government is cracking down on alcohol related anti-social behaviour. Last night, The Liquor Legislation Amendment Bill 2024 passed in the Northern Territory Legislative assembly. This bill increases the punishment for those who refuse to leave a licensed premises when asked from $176 to $880.

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Alice Springs alcohol restrictions working and extended: Fyles

Government has decided to extend takeaway alcohol restrictions in Alice Springs. Evidence has shown alcohol-related emergency department presentations at Alice Springs Hospital have reduced by a third, and domestic violence has halved since the restrictions were introduced.

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Commonwealth Games costs too high at over $6 billion: Andrews

With significant planning work and extensive market soundings completed, it is now certain that the cost of hosting the Regional Victorian Commonwealth Games will exceed $6 billion – more than twice the estimated economic benefit the Games would bring our state. In the face of these numbers, the Victorian Government has made the decision not to proceed with hosting the Commonwealth Games in 2026.

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Open for Debate

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Hard Talk! Issue one: Food prices

The [Naracoorte Community] News is introducing a new series called Hard Talk, focusing on in-depth interviews with hard-hitting questions on issues relating to communities like ours ... In our first issue, we questioned Premier Peter Malinauskas and newly appointed Opposition Leader Vincent Tarzia.

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Talking about live exports – PETA and Australian Agriculture

ARR.News was approached by PETA with "a gripping and timely opinion piece from an undercover investigator who has firsthand experience of the live export industry..." The full, frank and fearless debate on this highly contentious issue continues here on ARR.News with further responses from both PETA and Trevor Whittington, CEO WAFarmers.

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Responding to the Productivity Commission’s “Advancing Prosperity” report – Further opportunities in relation to natural disaster management: John O’Donnell

John O'Donnell assesses the Productivity Commission's limited recommendations regarding natural disaster management in its latest report, "Advancing Prosperity", and concludes that the PC and governments have missed key opportunities to better nail natural disaster management across Australia.

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The Western District – once a green and pleasant land – now a turbine wasteland

Back when Kookaburra was young and out for adventure, he used to jump into a car and drive overnight to the Western District of Victoria, traversing half of New South Wales and then half of Victoria to get there. A nap at a truckstop near Tocumwal was about the only break as the miles signs (in those days) clicked by. The sun rising near Maryborough whilst the car thrust its way forward through the ranges and down to Beaufort signalled the journey was nearing its end. A quick pit stop and then out on that last stretch to Stockyard Hill and my destination – a poll Dorset sheep stud owned by some old family friends – who always managed to find a spare room for the blow-in.

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South East is drying

Cliff Hignett, Your Say. The Naracoorte Water Allocation Plan (WAP) meeting (14/8/24) was well attended, 90+ people. The purpose of the meeting was to alert irrigators that the WAP was failing to protect the groundwater resource and was in urgent need of revision. When the WAP was set up (in 2013) land owners received an ‘Allocation’, in theory - their maximum share of the resource. Then they were authorised to use some part of that allocation on a year by year basis.

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Setting the record straight with the shooters

I have repeatedly pointed out that there is no empirical evidence to suggest that capping the number of firearms reduces community risk, unless that cap is zero. You can only use one firearm at a time ... the Government's heavy-handed restrictions undoubtedly impact the enjoyment and utility of firearms for passionate shooters, many of whom play an important role in vermin control ... we don't represent them - we represent primary producers.

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Regional Development

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Aerodrome users unite

Southern Air Ag owner and chief pilot Jason Law is one of five people who operate successful businesses at the Naracoorte Aerodrome ... Mr Law said a Naracoorte Aerodrome Users group had formed in a bid to provide accurate and relevant information to the council that “reflects the needs of aerodrome users”. The group were disappointed by the disconnect and lack of understanding regarding day-to-day operations and requirements of the aerodrome users, and council staff who were charged with its governance.