Thursday, February 13, 2025



Lightnings to soar over Evans Head

The skies above Evans Head will be busier this week because of Royal Australian Air Force training. The planned F-35A Lightning II training activities will be seen and heard over Evans Head air weapons range on May 10–21.

Timber industry brings environment, economics together for sustainability

Pollies visited timber operations in Kyogle and surrounds to see how environmental factors could work with the industry’s economics to strengthen sustainability. The focus for the visit was state parliament’s inquiry into the sustainability of the timber and forest industry.

Liberal MP to table anti mining petition

Geoff Helisma. Member of the Legislative Council (MLC) Catherine Cusack will table the Clarence Catchment Alliance’s (CCA) anti-mining petition in the NSW Upper House ... Ms Cusack said she was “actually feeling like I’m participating, today, in the community consultation process that the Clarence Valley has been denied”.

Relief for forestry families after successful Federal Court appeal

Victoria’s forestry families received peace of mind yesterday when VicForests won an appeal to overturn the May 2020 Federal Court decision which affected 66 logging coupes in the Central Highlands. A bench of the Federal Court overturned last year’s decision which challenged the validity of the Regional Forest Agreements under which timber harvesting is conducted.

Annual forum to discuss top plant disease risk

“Xylella is one of the most significant emerging plant disease threats worldwide, and we are fortunate that it is not present in Australia,” said Andrew Tongue, Head of Biosecurity at DAWE. “Xylella has been identified as Australia’s top National Priority Plant Pest in recognition of its potential to severely affect Australia’s plant industries and environment."

Bellingen Show returns bigger and better than ever

Janene Carey. A record-breaking number of people poured through the gates of the Bellingen Agricultural Show on the weekend of May 8-9. Show Society President Gillian Anderson said this year’s COVID-safe requirements were also an opportunity to make the administrative side of the show more efficient by moving ticket sales and entries online.

Professional fisherman full of praise for Weipa

Mark Berg has fished all over the world and been to most parts of Australia – including Cape York – but he’d somehow skipped Weipa. His life changed last week when he returned from a fishing trip with Far North Fishing as part of his television series, Mark Berg’s Fishing Addiction ... “It’s got to be the best place in Australia for fishing offshore with light tackle ... if not the world.

Fishing Classic public holiday locked in

Weipa residents will enjoy a public holiday on Friday, September 3 after the date was able to be changed to accommodate the Weipa Fishing Classic. The annual event will be held from September 3 to 5, with the expectation that the fishing days will be Friday and Saturday in a small change to the format.

Road finally open: tourism operators eye massive season

Cape York’s tourism season has officially begun after the Peninsula Developmental Road was opened to travellers at 4pm on Friday. Businesses all over the Cape, from Laura to Weipa, Portland Roads to Bramwell Station and the Archer River to Punsand Bay are expecting 2021 to be the busiest season on record.

Remote community leading the way on renewables revolution

The tiny outback community of Marlinja has taken its first steps towards its goal of becoming a leader in remote renewable energy generation with the launch of a solar-powered community centre this week. The Marlinja Community Centre is a partnership between the Marlinja community and Original Power’s Clean Energy Communities Project which is working to empower Indigenous communities to take the lead on the remote renewables revolution through incubation of community-owned solar projects across the Northern Territory.

AWMA opens its doors

Kirstin Nicholson. Cohuna business, AWMA, opened its doors to the public last month providing an insight into what the business does ... Fish exclusion screens, penstocks, water control gates and trash screens are just some of AWMA’s products, each of which, is unique. Each is designed, engineered and manufactured specifically for the customer, the site, and for each application, in-house, in the industrial estate right here in Cohuna.

Turtle flurry

Kirstin Nicholson. It has been a flurry of turtle activity around the district over the past couple of months as broad-shelled turtles nest, and eggs hatch. Graham Stockfeld from Turtles Australia returned to the area recently to record data on turtle sightings, nest locations and condition ... Barapa Country Elders were actively involved in locating turtle nests in the Gunbower Forest on this visit.

Trading the building blocks of life

The ACCC has been touring the basin disseminating their findings from reviews into the now nearly $2 billion unregulated water trading scheme. The ACCC stated that water trading has its origins in informal arrangements between neighbouring farmers, where one farmer’s excess water could be transferred to a neighbour. This does seem like a logical arrangement, trading between farmers in existing irrigation districts. The same historical irrigation districts that were regulated within a similar geographical footprint.

Local land values go gangbusters

Narrandera, Lockhart and Temora shires are among the hot button areas in regional NSW for rural dryland property with prices reaching a staggering $12,000 per hectare. According to the Rural Bank’s overview of 2021 Australian farmland values released on Tuesday, cropping land in the Riverina is highly sought after.

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